Thank you ladies for your my avatar and a pic

:angel: :angel:
blackbarbie said:
Was your hair already thick and the 6-month stretch thickened it even more? What did you do during your stretch that helped you to maintain your hair (and sanity:) ). I'm getting ready to do another 6 month stretch and may even go natural, but please share some of your tips.


Well, my hair was in good condition but I felt it was getting thinner, maybe I felt that way because I've had layers for the last 2 years (and still havesome left) and did not like my ponytails. Then I decided to try streaching and then decided to go natural but after 6 months my hair started falling out, I got scared so went ahead and relaxed, it turned out very good my hair did gain a lot of thickness and lenght (I am looking for Thickness), I did a good trim and at the same got rid of must of my layers at the bottom.

My best advices from what I learned are:

1. Moisturizing at night and weekly hot oil treatments are great (castor oil & rosemary oil), I also used Lisa's hair elixir from carol's daughter during the week.
2. I roller set/hard dryer weekly so, my hair was in good shape thru the week.
3.Weekly Deep condition (cinnamon & sole, emergencia, silicom and Carol's daughter Tui hair smoothie, this one without heat)
4. I did Emergency by nexxus at the end but relaxed after some girls in here said that maybe my hair did not like the streaching so much.

I still like the Idea of goin natural and be free, it will be easier now becasue I have a lot of information from this forum, Ifound you guys when my hair went really bad and did not have chance to fight back but relax.

I hope I explained everything well, if not...let me know, the ladies were here for me 24/7 and I am planning to do the same:yep:
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