Take your paw's of my mane.......%@#!!


Well-Known Member
People are putting their hand in my hair at work…I HATE IT. I don’t want to be rude, but people (black girls, white girls and one gay man) keep touching my hair. I am like what the hell. I told them I don’t like people touching my hair. This one girl begged me even said “pretty please.” Next week I am going back to my wigs, because I can’t stand it any more. I wore wigs for the past 3 months, but now it’s getting hot (I am in FL). I can’t survive in a wig during the summer time in FL. What should I do ? I already told these people too that I don’t like their hand in my hair. But for someone odd reason they go deaf. AHHHH….
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Is there a supervisor or someone you could speak to about it? I mean, seriously, people should not be touching you at all without your consent. I would talk with each of them again and be sure they knew I was serious. Touching people without permission is so not cool.

Only Nikko's cousin is allowed to touch your hair! :lol:
LOL, b/f joining LHCF i thought i was the only one annoyed by this. Just nicely say I don't like when people touch my hair and move your head away from their hands, b/c i'm sure they're still reaching even though you tell them no. Then say, "i'm serious." :mad: If you stop letting any of them touch then they'll see that you're not playing and you really dislike it.
People touching my hair without my permission annoys me to no end. And I usually dont have a problem making it known.
you might have to really pull out your black side on these people. sometimes when you say no people might think you are joking. but you have to show them you aren't. I liked the one suggestion about pulling away from their hand. Not smiling when you say it, and really being firm when you say it should stop it. Get an attitude when people do it. Do what you have to. You shouldn't have to suffer because people are overly curious and not respecting your private zone.
I don't know how I post twice. but this was by accident. I wanted the one with a poll. Because I wanted people's poll opinion. The more outlook the better. Sorry :) But so far it looks like I am caught between being rude and being nice on the poll.