Supplements essential for growth


New Member
I was reading in the Book for Nutritional Healing, as I posted a while back and decided to list the supplements they said are Very Important, Important, and Helpful. It's a long list so I won't go into what the supplement does but if you have questions about any in particular I can post what the book said about it. Here goes:

Very Important : EFA's, Raw Thymus Glandular, Ultra Hair from Nature's Plus, Vitamin B Complex(w/ b3, b5, b6), Extra Biotin, Inositol, MSM, Vit.C, E, Zinc.

Important: CoQ10, Dimethylglycine(DMG), Kelp

Helpful: Copper, Dioxychlor, Grape Seed Abstract, L-Cysteine, L-Methionine, MSM(I don't know why it is in 2 categories), Silica.

Herbs: Apple Cider Vinegar (Rinse), Ginkgo Biloba (be careful with this because it can give a lot of energy and make you irritable), Horsetail, Green Tea, Pygeum, Saw Palmetto, Tea Tree Oil.

Feel free to ask me questions about any of them.
I'm not sure who the author is but you can find it in any health food store or book store. It's a big seller.
You always have the answers, Nonie, thanks

I'm gonna check it out from the library.
RE the apple cider rinse. How often do you do it and is the apple cider diluted? THANKS for your answer
NGC said:
What are the benefits of L-cysteine?


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(According to the book I just mentioned) "Cysteine is unstable and is easily converted to L-cystine... Both are sulfur-containing amino acids that aid in the formation of skin and are important in detoxification..."

Cysteine is present in alpha-keratin, the chief protein constituent of fingernails, toenails, skin and hair. It aids in the production of collagen and promotes the proper elasticity and texture of skin...

Supplementation with L-cysteine is recommended in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, hardening of the arteries, and mutogenic disorders such as cancer. It promotes healing after surgery and severe burns, chelates heavy metals, and binds with soluble iron, aiding iron absorption. This amino acid also promotes the burning of fat and building of muscle. Because of its ability to break down mucus in the respiratory tract, L-cysteine is often beneficial in the treatment of bronchitis, emphysema, and tuberculosis. It promotes healing from respiratory disorders and plays an important role in the activity of white blood cells, which fight disease..."
(Page 37)
As far as the apple cider rinse, It said to just mix it with sage tea. But personally, I would add water because the smell is VERY potent. It didn't say how often to do it, but I am pretty sure someone on the board mentioned doing it so you may want to post and see whho answers. I tried to do the rinse but the smell was killing me
That's a really good book. It has lots of useful information in it.

Ballet Bun ...