Sun, May 10th - What did you learn in church today?


New Member
Today, the pastor talked about the prodigal son in terms of fractured families. And the difference between the older son and the younger son. The pastor also talked about this prodigal son last week. Out of both sermons, I realized that I have totally been the younger son in my family. I have felt resentment at my parents' taking care of my older sister in her times of need whereas I didn't feel as though I got the same "benefits" b/c I never "needed" it. Now, I realize that doesn't matter at all. Your children are your children. Just like God wants every last one of us, so do our parents. :yep:

At the end of the service, the pastor prayed for mother's and he also prayed for women going through infertility and that brought tears to my eyes b/c I don't recall ever attending a sermon where a pastor prayed for wanting mothers. :cry3:

So, what about you? What did you learn today?

P.S. You don't have to have entered into a church today to participate. If you watched a sermon on tv or online, please share, also!
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I learned about looking for the "Mama" in God. The speaker made an analogy between mother eagles and how they prod the eaglets to leave the nests. Some of the eaglets leave at the first opportunity and fly off into their greatness but some eaglets get comfortable in the nest so the mother eagle puts thorns and branches in the bottom of the nest to have some other eaglets fly off into their destiny. Still some eaglets refuse to leave so the mother eagle tips the nest completely over to push those final eagle out into the world, into their greatness.

Her message was as Christians we can get too comfortable in what God was given us and don't feel the need to give our service to God because we are doing just enough to get by. That God some times has to "tip the nest" to get our attention and move us outside of our comfort zones in order to do his will. He does this out of "Mama" love because he wants us to fly into our greatness through our service unto him
I learned about looking for the "Mama" in God. The speaker made an analogy between mother eagles and how they prod the eaglets to leave the nests. Some of the eaglets leave at the first opportunity and fly off into their greatness but some eaglets get comfortable in the nest so the mother eagle puts thorns and branches in the bottom of the nest to have some other eaglets fly off into their destiny. Still some eaglets refuse to leave so the mother eagle tips the nest completely over to push those final eagle out into the world, into their greatness.

Her message was as Christians we can get too comfortable in what God was given us and don't feel the need to give our service to God because we are doing just enough to get by. That God some times has to "tip the nest" to get our attention and move us outside of our comfort zones in order to do his will. He does this out of "Mama" love because he wants us to fly into our greatness through our service unto him

Great sermon! Reminds me of a study I did a few years ago on fruit of the vine.