stunted growth


New Member
hello. i'm new here. my hair type is 3b, 3c, and 4a. i used to have hair 3inches above my waist. a stylsit cut it off to shoulder length. i'm currently at my bra strap; but it seems to be taking much longer than usual to reach my goal length. any suggestions?
Welcome to the boards
Dont panic. I know that i noticed VERY slow growth in the winter months, so maybe that has something to do with it for you also. But things do tend to speed up for me in the summer time. Some may suggest using supplements in helping you to reach your goals also. you will get lots of helpful advice
-- jainygirl

Do you have a vitamin regimen any you might want to increase your protein intake and do co washes this helped me increase my hair growth rate.
ITA with jainygirl! Don't stress about it 'cause that definitely won't help.
I actually felt that way about a month ago. But when I stopped stressing about it for a minute I noticed at the end of that month I had actually gained some length.
thanks for the input. i take a multi, flaxseed oil, and garlic oil. does anyone flat iron and still have growth? maybe i'm flatironing too much.
Welcome India!

You'll learn a LOT here! Along with the other advice, regular exercise and drinking lots of water (I've learned at least 1/2 your weight in ounces daily) will help you towards your goal.
Up unitl about a month in a half ago I flat ironed once a week. I still gained growth but you still have to be very careful with heat. Make sure your hair is receiving enough moisture (i.e. drinking water; deep conditioning, etc...)