Strong Waves in Crown Area


New Member
I am wondering if anyone else has this "problem." My crown area is the most silkiest and finest part of my hair. It's not very curly as the rest of my hair but more wavy. That would seem to make it easy to straighten, right? Nope! It's the part that holds on to the wave like it's in a competition or something. I don't understand it. No matter what I do to straighten my hair, it gets straight everywhere and even there - except, there's ALWAYS traces of waves left! Why is the wave soooo strong and resistant in this section? Anyone else have this problem? What do you do to ensure the wave completely disappears. I believe my hairtype is 3c but I would classify my crown area as closer to 3b.
same thing happens with my hair, even when i maxiglide, it still holds waves
i've got quite alot places like that. i really noticed it on the few times i flatironed my hair.

i thought it ironic that these are the same areas that would defy the relaxers too. never could get those areas straight.

now with 7 months of no chems, it's really noticeable.

it's not really spirals mostly deep waves (like braidout waves, some narrow, others really wide).

i honestly gave up trying to put a hair in a catagory - it just do what it do.
My hair is the same way in the crown area.:ohwell: It will always show a little wave no matter how hard I flat Iron it. I gave up a long time ago on trying to get it completely straight.
I have waves in the same area. I just ignore them...because they have decided that they are around to stay. They're not hard to manage, it's just a different texture.
my hair is the same way. I really didn't notice my true hair texture until I started taking better of my hair. I always have to stop myself from rubbing my waves but they feel so cute. I don't mind it much but this is hardest part for me to straighten.
gymfreak336 said:
my hair is the same way. I really didn't notice my true hair texture until I started taking better of my hair. I always have to stop myself from rubbing my waves but they feel so cute. I don't mind it much but this is hardest part for me to straighten.

Me too. My issue is that since it's harder to straighten, it gets underprocessed a lot, and then it grows down all funky and fizzy, until it has to get cut out. I have to remind my stylist to concentrate on this area (mostly the sides of my head at the crown) so that this won't happen. but when correctly processed, the waves are so pretty:D
Hmm, interesting. When I was relaxed, I never had a problem with that area being underprocessed. It's so weird now that I'm natural. Oh well, I guess maybe that part of my hair is just so strong, that it is resistant to heat. I guess that could be a good thing :/