SPINOFF: Where do you wash your hair?

SPINOFF: Where do you wash your hair?

  • I always wash my hair in the shower.

    Votes: 373 71.9%
  • I always wash my hair in the sink.

    Votes: 60 11.6%
  • It depends on what I'm doing to my hair. (Please Explain.)

    Votes: 86 16.6%

  • Total voters
I usually wash in the shower. If I plan on sitting under my hooded dryer for a DC or plan to apply one of my mixes/concoctions, I wash in the sink so I can apply the DC or the mix and get under the dryer (or let it sit). For my final rinse, I'd hop into the shower.
IMO washing your hair in the sink is unsaintary . its just more convient to do it while taking a shower and it feels so great and relaxing/.
I kneel over the tub and wash and rinse my hair that way. I hardly ever do it in the shower, unless I'm washing my hair before going to work.
I wash my hair in the shower I get better results/ it's easier to manage my hair that way. I actually tried to rinse my deep conditioner out in the sink the other day. My hair got all tangled up, when I tried untangled it I lost a lot of hair. I had to get back in the shower and rinse that mess off.
I always wash in the shower, it reduces tangles for me. I used to wash in the sink because i did not want to do multiple showers, but now that i co-wash, it is easy to jump in the shower, yaaaaaaaaa :grin:
its funny because when I was relaxed, I washed wherever was convenient..no big deal. bathroom sink or bent over the tub...but very rarely in the shower. now..that I'm natural (and even when I was transitioning) its always in the shower and very rarely bent over the tub. the sink has been totally taken out of the equation..unless I let someone else do it in a bigger industrial size sink...
i remember my sis getting her hair washed with a water hose in the backyard because she was afraid of the sink. She was only 5yrs old @ the time.LOL
with my relaxed hair, its usually in the sink; sometimes in the shower when i'm not being lazy. when i'm natural, its always in the shower.
There is no option for me.. I wash it under the bathtub faucet.. does that count as the sink? I don't like washing in the shower because by the end of it I'm soo tired and after coming out, parting and applying my leave-in I just don't feel like creaming my skin :look:.

I can also keep better track of how much hair I'm losing when I wash my hair under the faucet :yep:
Bumping, because I didn't want to start a thread if this was already asked. I am a shower washer all the way. My mom used to wash my hair in the sink and I hated it! So as soon as I started doing it myself, I did it in the shower. My mom still washes her hair in the sink.
I wash in the shower, except when rinsing out henna. I do that in the sink or outside (yes, with a hose:yep:)
I vote shower - best way for me to detangle. Only thing I dislike about it is that my shed hairs sometimes trickle down my legs (I know I am not the only one).
I am more comftorable with washing my hair in the sink or tub.
I feel like I'm going to drown when I try to wash my hair in the shower.
I used to wash in the shower... but now I love the strong force of the tub faucet. It's the best for washing out relaxers! :drowning:
I use the shower for everything except the henna - henna I rinse off in the sink. That stuff got in my ears and its no joke (ear infection) so I take all precautions now - sometimes I'm in and out 3 times - I don't mind because I love taking showers when I was younger my Mom used to have to run me out of the bathroom.. I would shower in the morning, when I got home and right before I went to bed as a teenager... My Mom would be like omg girl! So hopping in and out is right up my alley. My SO says I'm like a duck in water on Saturdays...its shower all the way for me cept henna
I usually lean over the bathtub to shampoo or co-wash my hair and sometimes in the shower.. I've heard that shampooing in the shower helps keep hair from getting too tangled.
I wash my hair in the kitchen sink. I have a spray hose attachment that I got at my LBSS and I love it I feel like I have more control that way.
always the shower-its just easier for me that way.. although I have leaned over the bathtub when I wasnt thrilled about my hair but had already gotten dressed :/
Shower only.
The times I washed in the sink, It was tangle city..and thats when I was relaxed!:ohwell: I don't want to try it again right now!:nono:
On the flip side, I can see why washing in the sink= convenience, because you can still be dressed:yep:
I wash in both the shower and sink. I wash out relaxers in the sink always. Rinsing in the sink gives me more tangles so I poo my hair in the sink apply conditioner for DC and then rinse in the shower.