"Someone Smells Like Campfire"

:lachen::lachen::lachen: It could have been worse. She could have said spoiled boar meat. That's what my mother thought it smelled like. :sad:
no seriously, im in my little cubicle cracking the hell up!!! i'd a been so embarrassed had I gotten some of those reactions. I'd have probably gone and rinsed my hair out in the bathroom sink.
I think that the stench depends on the head of the user:look:

For instance...

Last summer my niece said "Is someone burning leaves?" after I walked into the room. She was on the floor:lachen:when I told her it was that horse stuff.

So I think that for some the emission is a meat stench(boar meat, bacon, beans) while for others it is an outdoors stench (campfire, leaves, mesquite).

Yesterday my coworker was really upset because one of the principals pissed her off...so I was starting to minister to her real good and she leaned in to hug me. I was like "oh...shoot. she's gonna smell it." She didn't say anything though but probably talked about me later:lachen:
Yeah...I had to stop using it due to that smell. Nothing like dating a vegetarian and you walking around smelling straight up like bacon! Minty bacon, I might add, because I added peppermint and rosemary essential oils to try and help with the smell.

Since then, I just bought my own sulfur powder and mixed it with oils...It smells nothing like MTG. To me, it doesn't have a smell at all.

I have a nagging feeling that my hair smells like minty bacon today...needless to say, my office door is shut:blush: