Some things that I have tried on my nape....


New Member
but have been unsuccessful at smoothing out my 4zzzzzz kinks...:look:

1. S curl
2. Infusium 23
3. Dr. Miracles
4. Silk elements leave in moisturizer
5. Coconut oil
6. Castor oil
7. NTM silken leave in
8. Rusk smoother

My nape is still hard and kinky :wallbash:..but I refuse to relax it because it is so broken...Any suggestions...

By the way, I have tried all of these products-separately- for at least 1 week to no avail
When my hair was out a few months ago, there were two things that worked for me.

To grow it back Dr. Miracle's Temple and Nape Balm (believe it or not). My nape (and edges) were broken off, but I was using it to grow them back, not moisturize it.

For moisturizing the ONLY things that moisturized my nape was Silk Elements (Revive and Restore) Anti-Brekage Cream and I sealed with Hot Sixx Oil. These were the ONLY two things that moisturized my nape and I tried A LOT of products. I would put those on my hair at night and I would saturate my hair with the cream. My nape would be wet. Then I would put the oil on top. I did this when I bunned and/or when I wrapped my hair at night. My hair finally became moisturized and my nape is the longest it has ever been and it's smooth. I have not relaxed my hair since November and those products moisturized and tamed my nape.

Good luck.
Make sure you body wash/soap isn't getting on your nape when you shower. That was the main thing that caused my nape to be dried out because it has so many harsh surfactants in it.
I feel your pain! I have been trying to grow my nape out since last August. I finally decided in February to stop relaxing it, and it has been growing in slowly but surely...finally made an inch at my last salon visit. I just use Mizani H2O Intense nigh-time Treatment along with a lil coconut oil every night before I wrap, and when I braid, it gets braided up, too. My nape spend two out of every three months braided up, and I think that has help a bit, too.
I am very interested in this as well. I went to the salon yesterday and had the hair stylist braid it up - hopefully I can keep it braided, but it's so short I need a pro to braid it. It's been breaking off/not growing since I was a kid. I was almost ready to give up on it ever growing, but I'm going to try castor oil and other moisturizers to see if I can get anywhere with it. I'm currently transitioning so I hope that helps.
MRJ, have you figured out what the root of your problem is?

I mean, you keep trying product after product which leads me to think it's not a product issue. There has to be something you are doing that is causing the area to be hard and broken. Do you get relaxer runoff in that area? Do you use a harsh shampoo or clarifier? Maybe you need to do some extra dcing there. Do you tie your scarf in the back? That could be causing friction leading to breakage. The fabric could be drying out that spot. Maybe you need to just braid up that area, spray it with some plain water, and leave it alone.

I suggest you go through your regimen and try to figure out whats causing the problem because that will give you a better idea of how to fix it.
Joico Moisture Recovery Treatment LOTION (I think the conditioner and balm might be too heavy and cause a lot of buildup). Softens my dry, kinky crown right up. I use it on dry hair. Be sure to seal with a quality oil like coconut or castor. I've also found that drinking lots of water and exercising regularly are making my problem spots a lot less of a problem :yep: HTH!