Should I have used a heat protector before blow drying?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I blow dried my hair on Friday for the first time in several months. (In fact, it was the first time I've used it since coming to LHCF.) Even though I did everything I would normally do in terms of deep conditioning, moisturizing and sealing, my hair's texture was more *crunchy* and just unpretty than it had been since I stopped using heat. (I also tried my hand at flat ironing the day before . . . so so bad.)

Should I have used applied a heat protector before hand? Would that have made a difference? If not, then I am officially off heat. I may try doing a rollerset with heat, but that's different than just using a hand-held dryer . . .
Yay Glib Girl you're back, we were worried about you! :grin:

Definitely use a heat protectant. I don't use tons of product when heat stlying, because I don't want to cook my hair. But definitely a silicone serum will give you protection.
You betta be glad I can't find that spanking smiley! :grin:

Yes GG, you should have used a heat protectant. Silk Elements makes a great one, and it smells divine!