Say What?

Agreed, that's not the same thing as what's being discussed in this thread....

:up: Good message, momi. Your Pastor didn't place Superman as a Jesus parallel or equal comparison. He made it clear that there is only One God, Jesus Christ.

I love that picture of those two! Thank you for the link I never saw the others and was wondering about their story

I honestly can admit that I stared at it for a good five minutes! the love that radiated from them and the union created by God...wowww

:love3: Real Marriage Begins with God :love3:
I believe this is another ploy of Satan to distract and confused Christians. I have always been a fan of superheroes, to me its just entertainment. I don't have a collection nor am I fascinated by them. I grew up with superman and the others however, I never identified them with Christ or anything biblical or spiritual related and its a sad, sad, sad world when a pastor opens his doors to this nonsense and preaches anything related to them from the pulpit. Satan is working hard, he knows his time is short and this really is nothing new he has been reaching into churches from the very beginning.
here is a movie all about it. I think I am going to buy it.
:yep: Yes we do disagree. I can't even wrap my brain around the comment bolded above. I've seen the Superman movies and never once did I nor do I now, see any parallels with Jesus.

The devil is such a Master deceiver. I could never bring the Holiness of God down to such a level. That's just plain disrespectful of who God is.

Here's a parallel: Comparing superman to Jesus is like calling a Black man, 'Boy', in spite of all that he has accomplished as a real man, only with Jesus it's 70 times 7 times worse. Where's the Blood that superman shed for our sins? Where is the Sceptor of Righteousness? On whose 'right hand' is superman now sitting?


You are so passionate for the word that you are reading way too much into my statements. Instead of asking me to clarify you simply put words into my mouth and further go on to rehash your point.

The parallels in Superman and the Messiah are ideas that an only son is sent to earth to show mankind the way we should live and save us from ourselves. We all know we need a Savior. Even our imaginations and fantasies cry out for a savior. However we are fortunate. We have a loving God who did send his only son. Not only did he redeem us from our sins he showed us how to live. It is as simple as that. You can draw comparisons without making something equal.

So many times Christians have a knee jerk reaction without asking for an explanation. I never said that the story of Superman was an archetype for Christ. Parallels means that they have similarities.

You are so passionate for the word that you are reading way too much into my statements. Instead of asking me to clarify you simply put words into my mouth and further go on to rehash your point.

The parallels in Superman and the Messiah are ideas that an only son is sent to earth to show mankind the way we should live and save us from ourselves. We all know we need a Savior. Even our imaginations and fantasies cry out for a savior. However we are fortunate. We have a loving God who did send his only son. Not only did he redeem us from our sins he showed us how to live. It is as simple as that. You can draw comparisons without making something equal.

So many times Christians have a knee jerk reaction without asking for an explanation. I never said that the story of Superman was an archetype for Christ. Parallels means that they have similarities.

Indeed I am passionate for God's Word, and I'll be honest, I'm not passionate enough, but I'm surely headed there. What does it profit me to agree with (gain) the whole world, and risk losing my soul?

I've come too far in my faith to lose the Gift that God has given me. I've paid the price of what it takes to get to where I am in Christ Jesus, I'm not losing to appease someone's disapproving opinion. It's my faith that saved my son's life, kept my former husband alive past the years that the doctors gave him. He lived to enjoy his grandchildren.

I can tell you so much more my 'passion' for God's Word has done to save far too many lives, marriages and souls. And it's God and only God who gets the full credit and the glory. I'm just the vessel He's been able to use....and my passion is of Him and the power in it.

To say that Superman is a similarity to Jesus, is lying. The life and Ministry of Jesus is just that, His Life and Ministry and there is nothing to compare to that. Superman is a fictional character, there is nothing about his life similar to that of Jesus.

Unfortunately, no everyone knows this and to say that the two are similar brings a compromised view of the wholeness of Jesus. It's Jesus, Ride or Die and none other. Leave superman to the movie theater and out of the Church, unless the actors playing in the movie come to the Church, leaving superman behind and falling upon their faced in total awe and worship of God only, no wedge of anything or anyone else in between.

I'm not trying to be offensive nor am I trying to put words in your mouth. But this is serious business. satan is out to weaken the Church and the faith of those who dwell therein.

We are called to be steadfast in the faith. If we bring in comparisons to Jesus, it takes souls off course, staggering between total commitment to Jesus, with many falling into an abyss of no return. It's just that serious.

And you think I'm too impassioned? I've only scratched the surface. And it's God who gets the glory. Not Shimmie....

I see nothing wrong about being passionate about the word- except when passion overrides the ability to see and only leaves reaction. I never said you were too passionate. But you have decided to twist my words. I will leave this conversation because some of the allegations you are making are highly offensive even though I know that you don't mean to be. But as humans we sometimes are so busy fighting shadows we miss the real war. I have tried to point out what what I mean by my statements but you are hung up on a single phrase and can't get passed that. In had forgotten why I stopped participating in religious conversations with people and your response has reminded my why. When anyone comes to a conversation or discussion with the position that I am right and everyone else is wrong it is a pointless endeavor. You will continue to put words in my mouth, speak harshly of my faith in Christ, and not even try to address the actual conversation I am having. Once before I had left the Christian forum because it was not good for my spirit and now I will do so again. I don't mind people disagreeing with me but I can't deal with the default low blow that my faith is more than or better than yours if we disagree.
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I see nothing wrong about being passionate about the word- except when passion overrides the ability to see and only leaves reaction. I never said you were too passionate. But you have decided to twist my words. I will leave this conversation because some of the allegations you are making are highly offensive even though I know that you don't mean to be. But as humans we sometimes are so busy fighting shadows we miss the real war. I have tried to point out what what I mean by my statements but you are hung up on a single phrase and can't get passed that. In had forgotten why I stopped participating in religious conversations with people and your response has reminded my why.

When anyone comes to a conversation or discussion with the position that I am right and everyone else is wrong it is a pointless endeavor. You will continue to put words in my mouth, speak harshly of my faith in Christ, and not even try to address the actual conversation I am having. Once before I had left the Christian forum because it was not good for my spirit and now I will do so again. I don't mind people disagreeing with me but I can't deal with the default low blow that my faith is more than or better than yours if we disagree.

Di, no one is attacking you, nor your level of faith. Is it not 'your' posts/your words which have been 'belittling' the faith of those (especially mine) as being 'over reactive' and blind?

I've made it clear that it's the issue of Hollywood being allowed into the Church with their theory of comparing superman to Jesus and Pastors going along with it.

I'm really sorry that you were offended, but let's be honest, the 'default low blow upon one's faith came from you and continued, such as those who disagree with the superman comparison to Jesus are too passionate, blinded, etc. :rolleyes: You were never personally addressed.