Say it isn't so!!


Well-Known Member
Say it isn\'t so!!

I went to VIP Salon's web site to see if they had any of the new Mizani products and (ok, let me calm down) to my surprise, they no longer sale Mizani
Soooooo, that means I don't have any way to buy the relaxer. I searched on-line to see if I could find anyone that sells it and nothing. Does anyone know of a site that sells the relaxer? If I can't find it, I may have to switch to Affirm. I REFUSE to go to a salon and pay $75+ just for a touch-up!! Are there any ladies that have used both Mizani and Affirm? If so, which do you prefer? Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Say it isn\'t so!!

I have used both. They are equally good to me. My stylist used to put Affirm in until he started using Mizani. They both seem equal to me. I will say this. With Affirm, sometimes my hair seemed brittle and weaker, but I'm not sure if this is just because I am taking better care of my hair now.

I'm sorry to hear about them not selling Mizani, anymore. Trade Secrets used to retail it here. Could you maybe special order it?


Well-Known Member
Re: Say it isn\'t so!!

Thanks ThursdayGirl. I don't think they would order it for me since I'm not a cosmotologist.

Cindy70, I'm looking for the relaxer. I already have their other products. I already have the relaxer too, but I'm looking for a new place to buy it so I'll know where to go when I run out. Thanks anyways.