Roots are Soft, Silky - Ends Are Bushy, Coarse - HELP!


New Member
I've only straightened my hair twice in a year, and each time my roots are soft, silky...gorgeous. The ends are a different story...HELP! I would like my ends to be smooth, silky, soft just like my roots. Any suggestions?

BTW, here's my normal routine:
1. Co-wash daily, shampoo weekly w/ Chagrin Valley bar shampoos, DC weekly w/ Jessicurl or Darci Botanicals
2. LIC - mixture of AVJ/Water/Glycerin/castor oi/jojoba oil/avocado oil/essential oils
3. Seal w/ mixture of sweet almond oil/hemp seed oil/EVO

I give myself a protein treatment approximately every other month w/ mayo, egg, & yogurt.

Oh, I wear my hair in a puff mostly, and sometimes a twistout. Hair feels soft, no spit ends, and very few SSK...I search & destroy.

As for straightening, my hair is freshly shampoo'd & DCd. I apply LIC & heat protectant...Let it air dry for a few hours...Before applying heat I apply a tad more heat protectant and Aveda anti-humectant pomade or Zipporah Beauty Shea Avocado pomade.

One more thing: I oil rinse at least once weekly with my sealing oil mixture.

Thanks for your tips!
For me, I had basically the same issue. Part of it is user inexperience (w/ flat iron). While I used the comb chase method AND had a dusting of my ends prior to straightening - the ends were still hard. I found using just a tad of curl wax fixed the issue for me. You have to use just a bit tho to avoid having grease, limp hair.
Thanks everyone for your help...I figured out the problem: open cuticles! For some reason despite the ACV rinse and always, always making my last rinse cold water my cuticles were still open...Go figure! So, I just sprayed my LIC on the ends and massaged it into the hair. VOILA...ends were as silky as the roots.

I guess my pH balance was off and cold water doesn't work for my ends.

Thanks again:)