Rollerset Alternatives?


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I want to try new ways to dry my hair as rollersetting is taking way to long. What ever I do it will be under the hooded dryer. Do you have any ideas how to make my hair relatively straight under the dryer (like do I do loose braids, wrap etc) which will then be flat ironed after with my maxiglide. Please help! Thanks
Banding it will make it straight but if you're looking for a way to speed up drying I don't think this would do that. I usually air-dry mine and it takes a looooong time. Not sure how long it would take under the dryer. My hair dries like it's been blown out. It's very easy to flat iron after that and dosen't require much heat. I have pics in the Natural folder of my fotki.

Lately I've been doing one high ponytail and rolling the ends in really big rollers. This is working wonderful. It takes about an hour and a half to fully dry....maybe a little less. My avatar pic is my hair done like that. HTH
Thanks P, the banding idea looks good, how many ponytails should I make (I have very underprocessed hair remember), do you keep combing it as you secure each band? If I were to go under the dryer it is likely to be too long, is it ok to pin it up or should I leave it hanging down? Can I use hairbands instead, I'm worried that the elastic may pull ou my hair...Im definately gonna try this!
Oh yeah P, how long do you think it will take me to band 5 at the front and 6 at the back? Do I have to use a thin tooth comb?
lonei said:
Thanks P, the banding idea looks good, how many ponytails should I make (I have very underprocessed hair remember), do you keep combing it as you secure each band? If I were to go under the dryer it is likely to be too long, is it ok to pin it up or should I leave it hanging down? Can I use hairbands instead, I'm worried that the elastic may pull ou my hair...Im definately gonna try this!

Yeah, that's exzactly what I would it up. I make two ponytails out of sheer laziness but you could do however many you wanted and it should come out the same. I'm thinking the more you do the faster it should dry. Yes, I keep combing as I apply each band. I use a brush to smooth it even more (I know bad). You want to make sure it's combed smooth though before applying each band so it dries straight. I haven't had any problems w/ the elastic ones because I am very careful but hairbands would work don't want to use a thick band though because it will take longer to dry. When you have them all banded pin them on top of your head before going under the dryer. I hope it works out!
lonei said:
Oh yeah P, how long do you think it will take me to band 5 at the front and 6 at the back? Do I have to use a thin tooth comb?

Ummm, since your hair is so long it might take a bit more time. It shouldn't take more than an hour. At least it would probably take me that long because I'm slow and I spend a lot of time smoothing and combing. I've never done it with that many though, only two. If you're not comfortable using a fine comb you don't have to. I do use one after I go through it with my wide one to get tangles out....or I'll use my denman brush sometimes.
Ok, thanks, do you detangle your whole head 1st or, detangle one section, then band, detangle another section, then band?
lonei said:
Ok, thanks, do you detangle your whole head 1st or, detangle one section, then band, detangle another section, then band?
I detangle my whole head then brush into two ponytails and band. I comb or brush each section straight before I band it.
I don't understand this method. I see that you have individual ponytails and then you put additional bands at intervals down the length of the ponytail. But what is supposed to be accomplished or the end result, as opposed to braiding the ponytail and air drying?
JLove74 said:
I don't understand this method. I see that you have individual ponytails and then you put additional bands at intervals down the length of the ponytail. But what is supposed to be accomplished or the end result, as opposed to braiding the ponytail and air drying?

As far as I can see, it straightens out the hair more than braiding would, it creates a nice wave also which you could flat iron out if you wanted. To me it seems like its adding tension to wet hair that is already combed straight, encouraging it to dry straighter.
JLove74 said:
I don't understand this method. I see that you have individual ponytails and then you put additional bands at intervals down the length of the ponytail. But what is supposed to be accomplished or the end result, as opposed to braiding the ponytail and air drying?
It's just another option to braiding. I wanted my hair to come out as straight as possible before flat ironing and braiding wasn't as straight as banding.