Rebuilding after a relaxer/touchup


New Member
How do you rebuild your hair after a relaxer or touchup

The only way that i ever tried is to conditioner wash my hair everyday for a week after i get a touchup first with aphogee 2 min, and then deep condition with a good cond.-then it seems like i waisted my money, but my hair just sheds like crazy after one of them thangs
I made it up thinkin it was just me with this problem and never heard of anything else that other people do and just recently learned that your supposed to do that anyway after a realxer (i was searching about carolyn greys book and someone posted her first chapter is about rebuilding after a touchup the first week) So........
what do you use
How many days do you do it
How long after the touch/up relaxer do you wait to do your routine

P.s.-do yall remeber when the site was under consruction for a couple of days and you couldnt come on, maybe a month or 2 ago, am i the only one that can no longer see the smily faces and all that, just a bunch of x's all over the place?
Sistaslick does some type of protein treatment right after she washes out the relaxer and b/4 the neutralizer. She said it elminates the limp hair some people get right after a relaxer.

Let hope she pops in and explains!

oh, thank you
I sure do have some limp hair-i get my hair done at the salon, but it would still be intresting because im thinkin bout switchin
Hmmm… I have never heard the technique about washing your hair daily after a relaxer for a week. This really seems like more manipulation than necessary.:ohwell: I usually just continue on with my regular washing routine of every 3 days. Both protein and moisture are important following a relaxer, so I am always mindful of replacing the structural protein lost to the relaxing process. The first protein source I add is a middle protein step after I thouroughly rinse the relaxer and before the neutralizing phase. It returns my protein balance to normal immediately, and my hair comes out stronger and more voluminous than it does without it. For me, introducing protein at this critical point has been a life saver. There are other relaxer formulations like Affirm that come with this middle protein step, and it also works well with other relaxers too. Then on day three after the relaxer, my usual wash day, I’ll do my usual wet assessment and just go by what my hair feels like it needs. That could either be more protein or moisture—it depends.

You really have to listen to the cues your hair gives you to determine the procedure you will follow. Some individuals need more moisturizing deep conditioning and less protein following a relaxer—others need a healthy mix of both--- and some require more protein. Your hair will tell you what it needs and when, and it may not always be the same after every relaxer.

Hey Sista....You're always on time with the advice.
I relaxed on Saturday and used the Aphogee Intensive Keratin Reconstructor after completely rinsing the relaxer from my hair and before neutralizing.....I'm now a believer in adding this step. My hair felt and looked so healthy and full of body.....Thanks for continuing to share your hair expertise with us...