Real Talk No Frontin Question


New Member
Hello everyone,

I have not been on here for a long time. I have been so busy with work and school. I truly miss being on here. I think I need to start posting and joining challenges again. Anyway, I have a question. When styling your hair how many of you often pop a few strands. I treat my hair with the most delicate of hands but sometimes if I am doing a cornrow or finger combing I feel a couple of pops. I see these Youtube videos with ladies who never have a hair snap or hair issue when styling their hair and I was concerned is something wrong with me lol. So ladies do you occasionally feel pops and snags when styling your hair for the night or day? Lets be real. If it's me let me know please. lol

Sidebar: I am so happy my hair is so healthy. Last time I posted my hair was APL. I am now about two to three inches away from BSL. I am doing a six month stretch. So far I am in month four. I usually stretch for three months (that's because I though you had to get a relaxer every three months) I went last week for a trim and my hair dresser trimmed a quarter of an inch off and told me how healthy my hair is. I learned so much from being on here that I think that's another reason why I don't come on as much as I used to. I think now that I want to make sure that I reach BSL by Jan 1st I will come on more for tips and tricks to help me along the way. Happy Growing everyone!!

The pic below is air dried hair. Picture taken before my trim.


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I pop everyday. I try to be gentle as possible but without fail I hear that pop!

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YouTube is not realistic in terms of judging careful hair care since you rarely see a hair style done from start to finish. And nobody really does close ups so you can see when they snag their own hair.

I certainly snag my own hair when styling. In fact, I snagged a few strands when putting in my two flat twist last night due to jagged fingernails.
I think it depends on the hairstyle and whether I'm in a hurry.
When I take my time, I'm honestly so careful and gentle I rarely hear any pops or snags. To be fair, when I feel resistance, like I'm doing a cornrow and the chunk I'm holding doesn't want to incorporate the next chunk, I will undo the motion or untangle before proceeding.
On days where I'm being lazy/in a hurry, or for more elaborate styles where pausing for every resistant strand would have me in my head for hours, I just push through the manipulation and cringe at the snaps and pops. :-(
I console myself with the thought that strong hair stretches and the weak hair would've broken anyway.

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This is very comforting to know that I am not the only one. Especially seeing you ladies with beautiful long hair. I was feeling bad at first for hearing a few little pops but now I don't. I was looking all over the web for people with long hair to talk real talk. It's not easy to find. Everyone talks about dry hair or damaged hair. No one really talks about everyday snags that they experience when detangling or styling. Some people make it seem like they perfected their hair care maintenance so well that hey never get it. I like to think that I perfected my regimen to where I see my hair thriving more now that ever. It's still comforting to know that no matter how much people have mastered their hair care they still experience little oops every now and then. This helps newbies or people who over think things (like myself) understand that these things are normal. Thanks ladies for responding.
I was finger detangling the other day and got a few snags and snaps.. but a lot more pops while combing and even more while I was getting my hair braided. I hate the feeling of broken/popping hairs especially when getting my hair braided by someone else. I figure the braids will be left in long enough that retention will make up for breakage during the process
Yep, sure do. I try to be careful by checking my nails, gently detangling and the like but I usually kill a few strands anyway.
To me, it is unrealistic to not pop a couple of strands even being extra delicate. I try to be a gentle but a couple of popping is going to happen regardless.
Everyone snags a hair here or there don't feel bad. I snag a couple every time I style my hair and from the way my white friends aggressively brush their hair, I think they do as well. It's nothing to be afraid of. One of the ways I think it can be prevented thought is to make sure your hair is otherwise healthy and that it's not just breaking off all over the place. Sometimes you get a tangle that you just can't help, HTH
I think a couple of snags every now and then is normal. Consistent breakage in the same sport or experiencing this daily would raise a concern for me. I don't tend to comb my hair daily though. A snagged hair is different than hair that seems to be brittle. Don't tell anyone but I occasionally snap off knots on the end of my hair because I don't feel like getting scissors. (I know it's a hair sin but I can't help it just every now and then)