Quick Ques. - Moisturizing before a relaxer


Well-Known Member
I always do, I usually stop about 2 days before the relaxer -- and I don't do any manipulation, massaging, etc.


Well-Known Member
Is ok, i used to do it. But i did not combed my hair to hard or brushed my hair, or anything that can made my scalp irritated. In fact, my stilist used to put some organics mayo on my hair before she applyed the relaxer to protect my hair.
I always do, I usually stop about 2 days before the relaxer -- and I don't do any manipulation, massaging, etc.

Is ok, i used to do it. But i did not combed my hair to hard or brushed my hair, or anything that can made my scalp irritated. In fact, my stilist used to put some organics mayo on my hair before she applyed the relaxer to protect my hair.

Thanks ladies!