question for users of cholesterol conditioner


New Member
hello everyone

ive just recently purchased lekair cholesterol plus. ive never used a cholesterol conditioner before.
on the directions it says after shampooing leave in for two minutes and rinse. is there at any time span where if I leave it on for too long it will be harmful?
I'm really not too informed on cholesterol conditioners other then it strengthens.
Can someone please shed light?
I've left mine on for over an hour (a good movie was on
)and nothing bad happened. I use the peach colored one that lists keratin protein as one of the last few ingredients.
I dont necessarily think it would be harmful to leave on for a long time, but eveytime i left it on for awhile it left my hair hard. I guess from the protein.
I use Queen Helene Cholesterol and i always leave it in for at least 20 minutes
nothing but good things so far
I've left it in for several hours and nothing bad had ever happened to my hair. Just makes it better--I think!
Okay I feel bad, I've left it on for days before, I am thinking the longest, hmm, maybe a week? I used to wear it on my relaxed hair after shampooing to get a crinkle braid out look, I liked it, because it wasn't too hard, but it made the style stay at least for that day. When I rinsed out my hair was fine, soft. My sister always told me I was overprocessing, but I liked this summer style so I was like whatever.
I think cholesterols are ok to leave on for a while since they aren't hardcore reconstructors or something like that. I typically leave mine on for an hour.