Question about Revlon Realistic Lye Relaxer....


Well-Known Member
Ladies who use this relaxer or have ever used this relaxer:

1.)How did you like the results? Does it give shine and softness? Or does it just straighten?

2.) If you have ever used this relaxer, which relaxer have you moved onto? How is it better or worse than revlon realistic?
i dont know about the other ladies, but revlon realistic really didnt do much for me. I used a jar once a couple of years ago. it just wasnt strong enough for my hair.

i currently switch between hawaiian silky and creme of nature every 2-3 years. both are much better.
I used to use it. It got my hair straight but my hair felt like straw immediately after a touch-up. My hair regained it's softess 2-3 washes later but by then my hair was no longer straight. Clairol Textures & Tones had the same effect but my hair was soft imediately after the t/u. Both got my hair straighter than other relaxers altho my hair revered fast but I was satisfied enough until I found........*drum roll please*............

Silk Elements! I love how my hair feels with this relaxer. I've only used it once but after 5 weeks my hair is still silky. It's not necessarily straight but that's ok b/c I can still go w/o heat with no problems. I couldn't go w/o heat with Revlon and T&T. I hope that makes sense.
OMIGOD..this was really my first relaxer..I used it for years and it did great for my 4a/b...I only switched to Optimum because they were new and everyone was uing it..I'm happy with it so I'll be with it for a while.
I used to use this. It always got my hair super straight and I never had to leave it in long. It works quickly. I'm actually going back to this for my next relaxer and I'm planning on sticking with it for a long time. As long as it wasn't left in too long, my hair was soft after using it.
This relaxer does not get my hair strait, but it texturizes it beautifully. Since my hubby doesn't want me to BC, I'll probably be transitioning to a texturizer. I only leave it on for a minute or 2 then rinse it out. I only lightly texturize my hair to slightly lessen my shrinkage.:D
plainj said:
I used to use it. It got my hair straight but my hair felt like straw immediately after a touch-up. My hair regained it's softess 2-3 washes later but by then my hair was no longer straight. Clairol Textures & Tones had the same effect but my hair was soft imediately after the t/u. Both got my hair straighter than other relaxers altho my hair revered fast but I was satisfied enough until I found........*drum roll please*............

Silk Elements! I love how my hair feels with this relaxer. I've only used it once but after 5 weeks my hair is still silky. It's not necessarily straight but that's ok b/c I can still go w/o heat with no problems. I couldn't go w/o heat with Revlon and T&T. I hope that makes sense.

hmmm...interesting, I am going to relax my hair in a couple of days and it was a toss up between revlon realistic, creme of nature, and silk elements. Now, I think I might try the silk elements.

:confused:This is a tough decision b/c I haven't had a relaxer in 4 months and if I waited this long, having to deal with these two conflicting textures in my head, then get a relaxer that doesn't work.....I'm gon be pissed!:mad:
I don't think Revlon Realistic is the relaxer to use to correct your two textures. In an effort to correct my texlaxed hair, I left this relaxer on for 25 minutes and it was still curly.:rolleyes: I may have relaxer resistant hair, but I really believe that this relaxer is very gentle to those w. thick hair. If u have fine to medium texture, it just MIGHT work.:p
rinygirl6 said:
Ladies who use this relaxer or have ever used this relaxer:

1.)How did you like the results? Does it give shine and softness? Or does it just straighten?

2.) If you have ever used this relaxer, which relaxer have you moved onto? How is it better or worse than revlon realistic?

This relaxer took my hair virginity:) I used Revlon for about 10 years...then it started to burn my scalp so I switched to no lye-Creme of Nature, then I switched to no lye -Optimum which I currrently use and love. I like the no lye, my hair is not as dry as it use to be and just seems overall healthier.
I used the regular/mild for 8 months with quite a bit of success. The only reason I switched in August was because my hair became what i think "accustom" to the product (wouldn't straighten as good as before) theirfore i switched of C.O.N (lye regular. But i plan to return to this one by beginning of 2007.
I used to use the lye in regular. I recently switched about a year ago. My hair was always under processed. The relaxer was also very strong. It took the back hair at my nape out so now the nape is shorter than the rest of my hair. I finally got my underprocessed hair back to the way I like it by using ORS no lye in regular.