Proof that MN works! Video! Interesting!


New Member

I don't know if she is a member here, but she definitely has beautiful hair.. Sorry if this is a repost! I have never seen her hair or her videos before! I would never try MN myself only because I am too paranoid. But I do not look down on other women for trying it/using it. I just thought that this would be an interesting video to see and that you ladies would enjoy it.
She's a member here or was a member.
Anyway, I would not call that proof lol. That could just be her growth rate and the fact that she may have been taking better care of her hair while using the MN. Great growth for sure though!
She's a member here or was a member.
Anyway, I would not call that proof lol. That could just be her growth rate and the fact that she may have been taking better care of her hair while using the MN. Great growth for sure though!

+1. Many women don't realize just how fast their hair grows naturally (myself included). I henna and indigo my hair and within 2 weeks my roots are showing. I personally think it was the protective styling... But that's just me.
That's looking like 1/2 inch a month so I'm not seeing much difference than the "average" hair growth. BUT if she say only grows 1/4 or 1/8 inch normally then I guess this could be faster. It's hard to tell.
With all those topless back photos, i was scared at what her front view pics were going to look like :look:.
I don't get it. She suddenly starts taking care of her hair and adds using mn on top of that but she and others attribute her growth/retention to the MN.
Now if she had to continued what she was doing before, added MN, and got the same results that would say something about the mn.
I bet you anything if she had not added the mn, she would have had the same results by the positive changes she made (no heat, protective styling, deep conditioning).
My opinion is that you do not need a "magic potion or elixir" for long hair. Do the basics of proper haircare. That is all you need.
With all those topless back photos, i was scared at what her front view pics were going to look like :look:.

i was like WOW, she's really overdoing it showing her whole back rolls like that. I mean we can see just fine if your shirt was on. I think she was probably feeling sexy. I imagine having hair down your back makes one feel sexy.
if i remembered correctly she has always mn i dont know y she stopped in the first place she had great growth with that and wild growth oil
I am a MN advocate and I do see growth but nothing out of the ordinary. Unless she is just a slow grower so this is really great progress. I am glad it worked for her.