Product Development Survey-Salon Directory


New Member
Hey All!
I have this idea for a business venture in my area. The idea is a salon directory that features all the local salons that caters to black clientele. It will have basic contact info,what the stylist does, their price range,strengths and weaknesses. It will also have a rating system(with a summary and customer quotes) derived from actual customer feedback collected by me.And that's the catch, not only will you have salon info at your fingertips but you will also have an idea of what people think of them and their service. So what do you think of this idea? What can improve it? And how much would you pay for a directory like this? Please feel free to add any comments that I didn't think to ask about. And most of all please be honest. The truth might hurt some times but the truth heals.:)

This is the second time I'm posting this, I just don't know where it should go.


New Member
I think it's a good idea. I'm looking for a salon that uses Aubrey products. My mom would like to find a salon with stylist & patrons more her age.


New Member
I think it's a good idea as for paying for it I don't know if I would or how much I would. I think it would be a better strategy for the salons to pay to be featured and or advertisers to pay for ad space in the Directory. Though if I were to pay I'd pay no more than $3.00 and I'd want it to be very comprehensive.



Well-Known Member
I am not sure what you had in mind but I think it would be a good idea as a website. As for charging for, I would say free at first then add a 'small' fee once the site gets popular. I guess the income would come from advertisements on the website plus have the salon pay a small fee to get their salon listed.


New Member
Thanks! I was also thinking three dollars. The only problem have with charging the stylist is that it compromises the integrity of the comments. Like if a stylist paid and they got mostly negative comments than I would have a conflict of interest thing going on. Maybe it can be a best of the best type of thing,with certain restrictions on who can be in it.


New Member
I think it would be good to have a best of the best directory, but it also would be nice to know where not to go. Also I think it would be beneficial, as Ineedmoney said, to include salons that cater to our hair in places that have a small black population. For example, I went to college in a part of CT that is predominantly white and always had to go back to NY to get my hair done.
Do you think that there would be any legal backlash from salons that did not get favorable reviews? Also if I was paying a fee for this I would like to know in what context were the reviews received, meaning I would want to make sure that it wasn't done in the presence of anyone associated with the salon, so that reviewer can say how they actually feel.