Pregnancy Hair Care - Support Thread!


Well-Known Member
I didn't find a thread like this.. so I started one...

Yeah, so you guys know me and my hair's story.. Natural 4 years but relaxed 4 weeks ago bla bla bla.... Guess who is preggo now? lol.... Man... In the grand scheme of things, my hair is the "least" of my worries... I know there is no research that proves that relaxing while pregnant and breastfeeding (that's like 1.5 yrs of now relaxing .... omg) is harmful to the baby, but I'd rather be safe than sorry...

So now, I don't know what to call myself... Long term stretching, transitioning etc... I'll take it one day at a time ... And I just nailed down my relaxed reggie too.. lol...

But, this is a spot for all expectant mothers to come in here and share your hair joys, sorrows, tips, tricks, changes etc... Anything to help us get thru this period..

I'll start.... I'm judy4all... about 5 weeks post...BSB... Natural hair is 4z... very fine.... My relaxed hair is bunning very easily, so no complaints for now... I'm going to try not to relax while pregnant or breastfeeding (will be very interesting).. I hear that most people's hair doesn't take during pregnancy anyway, so relaxing may be a waste of precious time.
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Nice idea. I started my hair journey about a year ago now and I was doing very well. It seems like after i got pregnant my hair started growing slower and it is much drier. I am struggling right now to keep it from breaking. I was wet bunning for the first few months but it was still dry. Even after clarifying, chelating, porosity control, everything. I have been wearing it straight since the end of February but I think the ends are starting to look bad and thinning and im afraid I may have to cut it. I don't want to cut it because my shower is next month and I was planning my "big reveal" since I have been in a bun when family sees me. I dont know what else to do. I have been transitioning since last year March, I steam weekly, use sulfate free shampoo, and moisturize and seal daily.

Rant- It really annoys the hell out of me when people credit my hair growth to my pregnancy or the prenatal vitamins. 1. if prenatal vitamins make your hair grow anybody could take them and we would all have long hair 2. your hair is constantly growing pregnant or not, also my hair has actually grown slower since I have been pregnant (i know because I have been tracking my progress for a year) and I have been obsessing over keeping my hair healthy and preventing breakage so maybe my hair is longer because hair grows and I take care of it.... ok rant over
I'm not pregnant but like cheerette I didn't find that my progress was better (or worse) during my pregnancy...I did continue taking my prenatals and didn't experience post partum shedding to any extent that caused a dramatic change in my hair.
judy4all I did (with both pregnancies) and yes it took. I stretched with both as well (I don't recall how long but I did stretch).
Raspberry hehe.... Thnx.... If only my hormones will allow my hair grow pin straight... lol... or like 2C curly... So I can just wash and go... (I wish).. ... This will be interesting...
cheerrette .... Congrats.... :)

So sorry your hair is doing worse... lol @ ranting... People will always find a reason rather than acknowledging that you are taking good care of your hair.. Hang in there and keep us posted.
Congrats judy4all and thank you for starting this thread...I'm pregnant as well and have been struggling with what to do with my hair. Right now I'm 14 weeks pregnant and 25 weeks post relaxer. During my first trimester I was too tired to keep up my regimen, so I began to just cowash twice a week and wear wigs (I straighten my hair ocassionally as well).

However now that it's getting warmer, I feel neither wigs nor straightening will be options anymore. My straightening technique isn't that great as is and I feel like the summer heat/humidity will cause instant reversion. Besides that, straightening my hair is time consuming and I miss the ease of freshly relaxed hair. I'm just worried that if I decided to relax, the relaxer wouldn't take. If I do relax I would do it in June, so I have another 2 months or so to figure things out.
judy4all said:
I didn't find a thread like this.. so I started one...

Yeah, so you guys know me and my hair's story.. Natural 4 years but relaxed 4 weeks ago bla bla bla.... Guess who is preggo now? lol.... Man... In the grand scheme of things, my hair is the "least" of my worries... I know there is no research that proves that relaxing while pregnant and breastfeeding (that's like 1.5 yrs of now relaxing .... omg) is harmful to the baby, but I'd rather be safe than sorry...

So now, I don't know what to call myself... Long term stretching, transitioning etc... I'll take it one day at a time ... And I just nailed down my relaxed reggie too.. lol...

But, this is a spot for all expectant mothers to come in here and share your hair joys, sorrows, tips, tricks, changes etc... Anything to help us get thru this period..

I'll start.... I'm judy4all... about 5 weeks post...BSB... Natural hair is 4z... very fine.... My relaxed hair is bunning very easily, so no complaints for now... I'm going to try not to relax while pregnant or breastfeeding (will be very interesting).. I hear that most people's hair doesn't take during pregnancy anyway, so relaxing may be a waste of precious time.

Congrats im not prego anymore but I am nursing a 4 week old:) and ive learned the quicker the better he doesnt give mommy alot of free time so ive learned to love spray leave ins and moisturizers and celies
I have no clue how im going to get thru pregnancy and breastfeeding without relaxing this hair.... Maybe I should just cut it off and let it grow out... Dang I just started my relaxed journey....
cheerrette We are actually due on the same day. July 14th? Your siggy says you are 27w 5d and so am I. I am having similar issues, but with my ends. They seem so dry when I flat iron. Right now I am wearing individual braids with my own hair. In the braids my hair feels fine, but the last time I flat-ironed they felt terrible.

I also HATE when people say my hair is growing only because I'm pregnant. Ummm, no? It's growing because I baby the hell out of it. My sister-in-law is a stylist and she says this constantly. I think it's bs, because my hair did not change at all my last pregnancy two years ago. I also did not take care of my hair at all.
Wish I had this thread when I was preggo. I isn't relax. I wore extensions and wigs (and not good ones :lol: ). I do remember my hair growing like crazy, but I don't know if it was dry or not.

I ended up not getting a perm until my son was four months old. I wasn't dealing with postpartum shedding yet and my hair was long! Then a shs got to it :lachen:

I'll be lurking until I get pregnant again :sekret:
Have any of you noticed more shedding? My hair has been shedding something fierce this entire week.... Tea rinse didnt help much... Any ideas?
judy4all thanks babe you too

GroovyMama my due date is actually July 8th I just dont know how to change my tickler

Yeah its my ends that are so dry. I want to just bun it for a few weeks but im scared the ends will break...
I swear my hair is shedding more and more daily... I put it in cornrows and plan to wear a half wig for the week. My plan is to redo this weekly till this pregnancy is over (or as long as I can handle it)..... How you ladies handling your hair?


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judy4all said:
I swear my hair is shedding more and more daily... I put it in cornrows and plan to wear a half wig for the week. My plan is to redo this weekly till this pregnancy is over (or as long as I can handle it)..... How you ladies handling your hair?
I'm happily not with child, but have you tried garlic. My shedding had me in tears until garlic.
I put garlic powder in some cheap conditioner mixed with some oil to help apply and mask the smell. I rinsed with a bit of shampoo and then deep conditioned. It cut my shedding by 80 percent the 1st use. I have begun taking it orally as well, but it takes weeks for it to get into your system and I couldn't wait. I got more info from the archives
Still waiting for my little one to make his debut. He'll probably be overdue since I haven't dilated. I'm just happy I found a way to bun my transitioning hair. I'm going to keep up the same routine until then. I'm thinking about switching to washing my hair every 2 weeks when baby is here.

I also don't like when people attribute my hair growth to my pregnancy. Especially since my hair hasn't grown any faster (still just under 1/2 inch per month). I'm retaining more, but that's because I had started a SUPER low maintenance KISS regimen when I got pregnant because it was the same time that the school year started (I just started my first full year as a teacher this school year).