Preaching Two Year Old..My God My God


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TrustMe, your link is taking me to that guy singing O-Mazing grace...

Bless his heart for trying. I'm sure the Lord was pleased even though it was hard for us to understand. :yep:
TrustMe, your link is taking me to that guy singing O-Mazing grace...


Lord God! I'm so glad I came in here to hear the "preacha"!

That kneegrow is 100% OFF!

Didn't even know the damn words! Please sit down!


That used to be my daddy's favorite song! This fool straight BUTCHERED IT! :lol:

Dad, I miss you and I know you're in a better place, but I'm glad you wasn't around to hear this mess! :lachen:

People need to quit playin' CHURCH! :nono:

Quit playin' with God! God ain't a TOY! :naughty:

He may have lost all his money? :lachen: What money?
He's a kid for God's sake!
Does he have or job or is it his allowance he's talkin' 'bout? :lachen:

These are all very cute, but they are just kids mimicking what they see or have been taught to do that. I really doubt they have the capacity to truly understand what they are saying/doing.

Quite entertaining though.
I saw that one with kid talking about his money. Ummm interesting to say the least. Sad to say the most. The baby one I like alot. Yea he is mimicing what he has saw but I was in church at that age too and I wasnt mimicing So it makes it really cute and cool. h
He may have lost all his money? :lachen: What money?
He's a kid for God's sake!
Does he have or job or is it his allowance he's talkin' 'bout? :lachen:

These are all very cute, but they are just kids mimicking what they see or have been taught to do that. I really doubt they have the capacity to truly understand what they are saying/doing.

Quite entertaining though.

Definitely not the two-year-old.

I'm sure the older boy will grow up to be the next false prophet :perplexed
I dont consider the baby and the lil boy in the same category. Shame on those adults for letting that go forth. I wouldnt even mind the boy preaching that way about stuff he aint never been through like adultery and how we the people of God are called to be abc people. But what is he talking aboout?

I just remember Jesus in the temple teaching on some heavy stuff so I wont discriminate because of age because Jesus started young...but he wasnt speaking foolishness.

And the baby shoot for all wke know many pastors prophets could have done these things when they were lil. I know a very special 4 year old. This kid just has a gift. Music..and some discernment.