Pre relaxer treatments....


Sweetest Taboo
I'm sure its been asked and answered before but I'm going to ask again. What do you use to base your scalp before a touch up? This question is for the ladies that self relax AND the ladies who get their touch up professionally done.

I used a pretreatment by Optimum for my last touch up but it didn't seem to work very well. I hate using vaseline cause its so hard to wash out. A friend suggested olive oil but it doesn't seem thick enough.

Any suggestions?
I use olive oil or occasionally a hair grease. And I do it the day before I relax b/c I am afraid that their might be too much grease on the hair and it will interfere with the relaxer.
I use Vaseline to base. Honestly, I only base around my hairline and on the itchy spots of my scalp. I've never been one to burn during a relaxer, so I don't worry about it that much. I also pretreat my hair with conditioner.
Well I used to use vasoline, but now I use vitale base creme on my scalp and my already relaxed hair, it washes out easily.