Pre-Poo Before Clarifying?


I'm washing now twice a week, using Suave Clarifying poo as my first lather once a week. I use a moisturizing shampoo for the second lather.

Is it a waste to pre-poo, (Suave Tropical w/Hot 6 Oil), before I clarify? Or should I wait until the second wash of the week?


Well-Known Member
My first question to you is why are you clarifying once a week. From my experience, clarifying should be done occasionally to remove any buildup. Maybe once a month if necessary. I only clarify about once every 6 wks. Your moisturizing poo should be ok for maintenance with one lather. You don't want to strip the hair of its natural oils by over pooing. And yes, it is a waste to pre poo and then clarify. Make sure you're using a good balance of moisture/protein.


Well-Known Member
Vive la difference! I pre-poo all the time, even before clarifying (when I know that I am going to do a rollerset or wear my hair straight). Some people need to clarify once a week if they are putting a ton of styling products in their hair. Just listen to your hair for a while and if your hair doesn't like it... do something else.


Well-Known Member
I prepood before my clarifier last night. I used Aphogee Keratin Reconstructor for a couple of hours and then I clarified. My hair felt great afterward. I clarified because I couldn't find my Aveda DR shampoo:look: but I love the way the clarifying shampoo detangles my hair:grin:


Thanks for the responses!

I clarify weekly because my hair is coated and weighted down with the oils use for sealing while baggying and the moisturizer I use daily. My hair is very dry. On Monday I clarify, use the moisturizing shampoo and DC with ORS RP. Thursday I will wash with a protein shampoo, use the Aphogee 2-min and follow-up with Humectress for five minutes.

So far, I think my hair likes it. I hardly see any in the sink or my comb. I hope this is the correct protein/moisture balance for me.