Prayer Request


Well-Known Member
I need some of my sisters to stand in agreement with me.

One of my co-workers told me about a job at the university where I am currently working. It is in my area of expertise and I have the experiences that they are looking for in every area except for number of years of experience-almost two years less (however, in my former job I had responsibilities of people more senior then my ranking). I had not seen the listing, so it is truly a blessing that my co-worker (who is one of my supervisor's) saw it and thought of me (she said that she loves working with me, but she thinks I'd be great at this other position which pays me what I'm worth).

I am going to apply for it, but I am in need of GOD's favor. I know that getting this job what not only be a promotion financially but it would be proof that GOD was truly responsible for me receiving this job as I don't fit one of the criteria. HE's done it before, so I know that HE can do it again! :yep: