Poll: The perfect moisturizer, have you found it?


New Member
I have yet to fing the perfect moisturizer to give me moisturized, blow in the wind hair. just wondering, via poll, how may people have the perfect moisturzer, Vs. Those still in search of it. Thank you.
I have found the perfect Leave in that gave me mega "blow in the wind tresses." That was Star Lacio Lacio. It is a dominican product. I can't remember who recommended it but I tried it and it will be a staple from now on. I absolutely love the way my hair feels. I have also had many compliments this weekend. Folks that have not seen me in a while commented on how long my hair has grown and while giving me a hug, they slyly touched my hair. :lol: as if I could not feel them doing it. But it was all good. :lachen:
SohoHair said:
I've found mine, Giovanni Direct Leave-in. On dry hair it moiturizes and adds body. I love it!:)

i always wanted to try this. s curl worked GREAT when I was natural but not so much when I was realxed. it's really good for my new growth but so so on my relaxed ends. But I am trying to give it moisture internally by drinking more water so hopefully I wont have to rely on a product so much for moisturizing. I am going to try dove moisture mist next.
My perfect moisturizer is definately Lily of the desert aloe vera gel :)
My hair loooooves it. No turning back :D
locabouthair said:
i always wanted to try this. s curl worked GREAT when I was natural but not so much when I was realxed. it's really good for my new growth but so so on my relaxed ends. But I am trying to give it moisture internally by drinking more water so hopefully I wont have to rely on a product so much for moisturizing. I am going to try dove moisture mist next.

I know a lot of ladies have had success with the Dove Moisture Mist lately so I hope you will as well.;)

I drink a ton of water everyday and eat really healthily but with the rigors of a cold, dry windy winter and the drying effects of indoor heating I knew I had to give my hair extra moisture. I also like that Giovanni works great on both dry hair and wet hair (it detangles beautifully) so it's like have 2 products for the price of one!:D
I have. Well, it is my leave in really. I know many ladies don't like this product but Sidr Tree Butter balm as a leave in on my wet hair has totally transformed my hair. My hair still has LOTS of bounce and movement.

The Sidr Tree can leave my hair kinda greasy to the touch, but my hair still has movement and bounce, it is not the grease kinda greasy, you know. Daily I either don't have to moisturize or I just use a little something like Aveda Styling cream or Supergirl's fav Mizani h20 rose cream.

The Sidr tree does not work as well for me on dry hair, though.
This is hard but i am gonna have to say Star Lasio Lasio. With Salerm 21 as a close second. Both very vesitile.
Well, i don't know about "blowin in the wind tresses" but the infamous ORS Olive Oil is the perfect daily moisturizer for me as far as protective styles are concerned. NTM is good as a leave-in on my poo/DC days.
On wet hair i absolutely love, love, love Cantu Break Cure. It's beyond great. On dry hair, BB Oil Moisturizer is awesome. I apply it at night and in the morning, i have very soft, moisturized, shiny hair. Love the fact that they are both so cheap and good.
I love me some ORS Olive Oil Moisturizer! My other favorite moisturizer is Hawaiin Silky 14 in 1! If your hair is lacking in moisture this will definitely fix the problem;)