Please pray for me


New Member
Hi I'm new here and asking if you all could please pray for me. In the last 3 years I've experienced two separate death threats, moved from a country I love to one I hate, been friendless- found so called friends and then been abandoned by them. Following that I had a nervous break down of sorts with acne covering my face when I never suffered from acne before. Also I've gone from a place of financial abundance to financial scarcity. also my parents relationship became toxic and I hated being at home. I thought I had found the guy for me, you know someone for life and now he hates me ( he has reason to) and wants nothing to do with me. I keep throwing up and I feel weirdly disconnected from myself. Also I never had problems academically but I nearly failed my exams and God was gracious to allow me to get into university. Right now I see a breakthrough on the horizon in term of my parents relationship, they are so much more loving and I am so thankful to God for that and also financially to a position even better and before. All that has happened has broken me though, my zest for life I struggle to find it, my love of learning etc. Please pray for me to be renewed I would really appreciate it. I am hurting so much now. Thank you.
:grouphug2: :circle: :grouphug2:

Precious Love of God... that is who you are and nothing can ever change that. No matter whom or what has hurt you in this life, nothing can change the love that God has always had and will continue to have for you.

The wounds you have are being kissed by God's love, one by one. Each moment of hurt will be replaced by the abundance of soothing comfort and gentle care from the Heart of God, for you.

For your hurt and shame, you will receive the double portion of healing and tender care. For your 'Humility', God will bless you with Grace upon Grace, Love x's Love and Peace that truly shall surpass your highest level of understanding.

"Humility"... more beautiful than rubies or diamonds. and it is whom you truly are and it takes much strength to be humble; a strength you have mastered. And this strength you shall always have.

You are loved ... :love2:
Welcome humility and make yourself comfortable here. Be assured our prayers are with you and keep your head up. Be proud of yourself, be proud for you're a precious child and your father, the Almighty Lord is watching over you.

Pray, be strong in prayers and get connected to Your Savior. It's hard to go through darkness, it's painful but there is hope. lean to HIm and let Him carry your pain whenever it's too heavy for you. You're not alone on that one, you'll never be alone. There are many threads that may help you here, with scriptures and wise words.