Please Pray for Abused Children


New Member
Video Taped Raping of 3 year old

I posted this on my blog and felt it was worth posting here as well. So I just copied and pasted.......

Oct 2, 2007, Please Pray with me for Abused Children Everywhere

I just saw something on the news that really hurt me. A predator is wanted for the video-taped raping of a 3-year old girl. I don't know how anyone could harm a defenseless child. But I do know that it is not the will of God for these little angels to suffer at the hands of these people. Please join me in praying for this little girl and children like her all over the world.


Father we pray for the children of this world. We pray for their protection from abuse and neglect. Open the eyes of their parents, guardians, and teachers that they are aware of what is happening and that they take action to stop it. Bless the children with peace in the midst of this storm. Send angels to be encamped about them to save them from harm. We pray a hedge of protection around each one. Place someone in their lives with the power to help them escape the terror of what is happening to them. Place the children in healthy, happy environments. Bless them with peace. Heal their bodies, their minds, and their emotions. Restore joy and trust in their hearts. In Jesus Name Amen.

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This story is heartbreaking. I keep this little girl as well as all abused children in my prayers.