Pictures of beautiful gray hair

Throwing my hat in the bag, lock stock and barrel.

Please visit my new blog. In another thread I have asked for "kind" critiques while it is new as I want the blog to be engaging and mildly entertaining. I'd like to correct mistakes now versus allowing it to get old, stale, and wondering about lack of interest. Thick skin may = good blog.

Oh, I am also ISO those greying graciously divas and gentlemen that may allow me to show their lovely locks on my blog perhaps even along with a small comment. No full names need to be given on the blog, fyi.

Thanks in advance, ladies.

"Closed Mouth Don't Get Fed"

Hello Ladies,

I am working to take my blog to the next level so jumped on board with social networking. Would you or some graciously grey person (male or female) that you know consider visiting my FB Page and "liking" it?

Thank you for your help.

I am 23 and noticing more gray hairs, and some dark hairs losing pigment at the root.

I pulled them out not because they are bad, but because I was curious and wanted to examine them.

Wow they are shiny. I noticed them because they reflect so much light against my dark hair. They also are not wirey at all, they are the exact same texture as my natural hair, maybe slightly straighter.

I think one day I'll have a full head of shiny silver hair.
See if my hair was all silver or grey I'd just roll with it. But this mess I have right here is not cool lol

I love these pix

Rev. Dr. JoAnn Browning of Ebenezer AME in Ft. Washington, MD. Her hair is really pretty in person.
I always wondered how women go grey. I mean not literally, but like how do that deal with the greying process before it its that nice level of gray rather than that annoying level of random hairs popping up? I dont even know if that makes sense
I love to see ladies with grey hair. And I love my smattering of greys. Hooefully inend up with a nice head of silver hair!
Wow...these women have gorgeous silver hair. Mentally, I am just not there yet. My grays will be red-orange from henna until my greys outnumber my dark hairs. I am dreading that grow out phase with tri-colored hair...will I BC or be a long-term transitioner?:lol:
So I didn't color my hair for the entire time I was pregnant and I have about a .5 inch of gray on my natural hairline. I haven't colored it yet and the baby is 4 months old. That means I've been uncolored for about a year. I haven't decided if I'm going to let it keep graying or color. I wish it were coming in more evenly.

The only thing I don't like is that I'm a new mom who is older. Outside of the gray, I think I could pass for 5-7 years younger. All the "baby mommas" are much younger than me and the gray is kinda off putting.
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So I didn't color my hair for the entire time I was pregnant and I have about a .5 inch of gray on my natural hairline. I haven't colored it yet and the baby is 4 months old. That means I've been uncolored for about a year. I haven't decided if I'm going to let it keep graying or color. I wish it were coming in more evenly.

The only thing I don't like is that I'm a new mom who is older. Outside of the gray, I think I could pass for 5-7 years younger. All the "baby mommas" are much younger than me and the gray is kinda off putting.

Uh-uh :nono: be proud of that women! In todays society whe "16 and pregnant" is not only a tv show but common you ought to be proud!
Also have you thought of dying the length to match the grey roots?

I'm thinking maybe thats how I will eventually go grey. Right now the greys are an annoyance but not an abundance. So if I dyed grey it have to keep up with my roots as seriously as bottle blonds do or bottle goth kids lmfao
Uh-uh :nono: be proud of that women! In todays society whe "16 and pregnant" is not only a tv show but common you ought to be proud!

Oh, I'm proud! Statistically, I'm not supposed to be a mom (mid-40s). He is my surprise blessing! :)

Also have you thought of dying the length to match the grey roots?

I'm thinking maybe thats how I will eventually go grey. Right now the greys are an annoyance but not an abundance. So if I dyed grey it have to keep up with my roots as seriously as bottle blonds do or bottle goth kids lmfao

hmm.. I think I'd just keep cutting. I'm WL or longer now so that's a lot of dying (would they have to bleach it to make it gray?).

Do you find that your grays are a different texture (not as cooperative)? Mine stick straight out of my head and won't lay down! (see scary exterme closeup) LOL


  • grey2.JPG
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Thank you guys for posting new beautiful grey hair pictures!!

Her hair type looks just like mine! I wish I had the guts to go grey.

Oh, I'm proud! Statistically, I'm not supposed to be a mom (mid-40s). He is my surprise blessing! :)

hmm.. I think I'd just keep cutting. I'm WL or longer now so that's a lot of dying (would they have to bleach it to make it gray?).

Do you find that your grays are a different texture (not as cooperative)? Mine stick straight out of my head and won't lay down! (see scary exterme closeup) LOL

wavezncurlz - you're good! I have soooo much grey now, it's ridiculous. Thanking God for henna and indigo!! I haven't dyed my hair since April 10th and here's what it looks like right now.

I'll whip up a batch of hendigo in a few days...I've gone too long...


  • Grey Hair 2014-07-11.jpg
    Grey Hair 2014-07-11.jpg
    559.1 KB · Views: 177
Thank you guys for posting new beautiful grey hair pictures!!

Her hair type looks just like mine! I wish I had the guts to go grey.

@wavezncurlz - you're good! I have soooo much grey now, it's ridiculous. Thanking God for henna and indigo!! I haven't dyed my hair since April 10th and here's what it looks like right now.

I'll whip up a batch of hendigo in a few days...I've gone too long...

@FlowerHair Wow! The salt and pepper looks pretty though. Like tinsel.
I can't do the henidgo process. I'm way to lazy! How long does it last? My henna used to last like 1 week! LOL

That lady's hair is like ours! That's a lot of work!
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@FlowerHair Wow! The salt and pepper looks pretty though. Like tinsel.
I can't do the henidgo process. I'm way to lazy! How long does it last? My henna used to last like 1 week! LOL

That lady's hair is like ours! That's a lot of work!

wavezncurlz My henna and indigo dye is permanent, more or less. That's the best thing about it. I was too lazy for henna before as well, but I noticed how my hair started thinning from the commercial dyes so I had to do it. It's a combo of choosing the right henna and letting it sit overnight etc. Once I found the right process, it was easy. Now, I'll just do the roots... But you see I've been lazy for three months. I need to do it every month or so.

I love my greys, they are very silvery, but like you I feel that as a mother of a toddler I'm still too young for silver hair. I'll wait until I get wrinkles lol.
Came across this article and thought of this thread. Does gray hair on youngish people make them actually look younger? And how come everyone in their 50s is gray but not really?! :)

Once It Left Off-Black, I Never Went Back: Loving My Gray Hair

by M. Lavora Perry

On a recent sunny day, as I walked down the street with my gorgeous 17 year-old daughter, a man in a car called out "Hey!" twice. I kept walking, assuming he was checking my daughter out, which would have been icky because he was old enough to be her father. But, of course, I know it happens. In fact, on more than one occasion, my daughter and I have discussed the sociodynamics and evolutionary reasons why older men hound after teenage girls.

But I digress.

The man called out "Hey, you!" the third time and I looked at him, still walking. He was talking to me. "Is that your natural hair color?" he said. I can't count the times people have asked me this. Like who DYES their hair GRAY?

I told him that I was indeed rocking my natural hair color. "Wow," he said (or something like that). "How old are you?" I told him--51. "I thought you were a young woman with gray hair," he said (it was a compliment).

Once he took the friendly banter past the line by asking my name, I pulled out my "MRS. Perry" card, even though I really go by “Ms.” So he left me alone.

But I was glad my daughter witnessed all this, for two reasons. First off, she saw that there are men out there who prefer women of their own generation. She might appreciate knowing this when she's older.

Second, I explained to her that the only reason that man thought I was older was because he probably never sees 51 year old women with gray hair, and that’s because, while most 51 year olds HAVE gray hair, most also dye it.

So everybody is confused about what women really look like at my age. It may not be that I look so young for 51, although I’d like to think I do and it’s a compliment I hear a lot. Instead, it may be that it's unclear just what the average 51 year old woman's hair looks like because, although most women begin to gray in their 30's, most also hide this fact under hair color.

I started graying in my 20’s. It’s a genetic thing on my father’s side. Several of my cousins have been gray foxes for years—while their friends religiously hit the Clairol bottle.

Since the 80’s, I have never colored my hair or used heat or chemicals to straighten it. Instead, I’ve quietly waged my own personal campaign against the notion that, in order to be beautiful, a black woman's hair must be assaulted, beaten into submission, and totally alienated from its original state.

Now this latest incident has really got me thinking. Perhaps my daughter being with me that day stirred up one of my deepest hopes. That is that young black women like her will do what my generation has yet to do fully do en mass: shake off the centuries-old insidious lie that rests deep within our souls and blinds us from this truth—we are naturally fine and fierce. Just. As. We. are.

So I've been kicking around the idea of starting some sort of community that celebrates black women over 40 who wear their hair gray, natural and proud—not sure I will do it, but maybe.

If you are a gray and natural black woman, are thinking about becoming one, or just appreciate women like us, holla back.

I remember my grandma in her late 70s and 80s coloring her hair jet black. She did it because of my grandfather. It looked silly though. Everyone knew she was gray and in a week or so, her new growth would tell on her. When he passed, she never colored again. Her hair was a magnificent cloud of white on very dark skin. It was gorgeous. And she looked her age.