Peroxide effects on the hair??


Active Member
I know they cant be at all good :look:

My 6 yr old sprayed peroxide on my 2 year olds hair.. I came homeand noticed that the back of my 2yr head was a light sandy brown color, its been dark brown forever.

my dh suggested this might be something that runs in his family?? :perplexed
so oddly enough i cut my finger the next day went for the peroxide which is in a spray bottle (this is how it comes) and it was fulled to the brim. i knew the peroxide was almost finished so i checked it and it was refilled water. I asked my 6yr old and behold she said she did it because she thought it was the same type of spritz that i spray into our hair everynight! the juice!!!:wallbash::wallbash:

So im just grateful she didnt spray her eyes or into her mouth or hurt the baby, but i was wondering can i do anything to fix the discoloration or is this just something that has to grow out??
Back in the day my sister and I use to dye our hair with peroxide and it would turn it auburn or red if too much was use. We had to grow it out because the color change was permanent. Keep the area moisturized as much as you can.
I agree with Lissa. I used to die my hair with peroxide and I had to grow it out. Keep the hair moisturized!
Peroxide lightens the hair. when I was younger I used to spray it in my hair an dgo out in the sun to lighten it up. Depending on how much you spray in, and how much time in the sun, and how often you do it determines how light it will get. My friends hair ended up blonde because she keep doing it.
Back when I was young I used Peroxide based acne cleanser and it turned the hair around my edges light brown/blonde. I never cut it off and just grew it out.
I did this as a teenager and my hair broke off where I sprayed the peroxide which was my bang. So I am pretty sure the combination of heat tools, bad styling, relaxer, and peroxide was the cause. As stated earlier, keep it moisturized. The color is permanent.