other uses for a Pibbs....


Well-Known Member
soooooooo i'm sitting here looking at my brand new pibbs wondering what else i can use it for since i just failed miserably at doing a rollerset... i mean i don't get it... i figured the longer my hair got, the easier it would be to rollerset but MAN was i wrong... i could hardly detangle my hair to roll it and i certainly couldn't get the rollers to stay in... i might have to start relaxing a little longer...

soooooooooo how else can i use this very expensive toy??... :look:
  • You can use it to condition your hair with conditioners
  • You can use it to dry your hair w/o setting it (to hold a shape)
  • Dry your fingernails after a manicure
have you tried the ponytail rollersetting method. That what Im going to try! it look soooo much easier
Deep conditioning! SOOO much better w/ the Pibbs for me...
you can also use it to dry your some of your "no-heat" styles like bantu knots and braidouts. Just use it on the lowest setting and it cuts down on the drying time.:yep:
Spend a little more money and get the Healthy Textures Rollerset Video by our very own Macherieamor.


I also find it fabulous for DC'g and in a pinch I've used it as a diffuser. I just don't close the lid and keep my head out of it.
Spend a little more money and get the Healthy Textures Rollerset Video by our very own Macherieamor.


I also find it fabulous for DC'g and in a pinch I've used it as a diffuser. I just don't close the lid and keep my head out of it.

I agree...also I think if you have a hard time with the clips,etc that you can start out with the rollers with snap on covers. They are so much easier to use and they will stay put bc they are snapped right into the correct position. Heck I might have to start with those too because its been a long time since Ive rollerset with clips.

Macheries dvd is really priceless....I actually learned more than just rollersetting, I learned how to properly detangle! No wonder I used to lose a ball of hair every time I detangled....although I knew to start at the bottom and work my way up, I was still raking the comb through my hair. Now I know how to pick the tangles out wihout combing all the way through it and ripping out my hair in the process. I tried it yesterday and I only lost a tiny bit of hair which was a big improvement.

Im waiting for my pibbs to get here! Got a great deal on ebay...Im armed and ready with my lacio lacio, macheries dvd, and I have to buy some rollers bc I threw mine away when I moved (didnt think I would use them anymore). Ill get to try out my first rollerset next weekend.
Sorry for the interuption, but when deep conditioning, do you ladies still wear a net?
coat rack? haha just kidding... i'd say sell it. do an online auction on this site...i'm sure you'd make a lot of your money back
Spend a little more money and get the Healthy Textures Rollerset Video by our very own Macherieamor.


I also find it fabulous for DC'g and in a pinch I've used it as a diffuser. I just don't close the lid and keep my head out of it.

Shoot! I just bought the dvd and i don't even know if i'll have enough hair to do rollerset with when i take out these dang braids!:lachen::lachen: