Ok to co-wash before relaxer?


I absolutely have to get a texlax touch up on Tuesday which I wasn't expecting....I poo'ed on Thursday, but I think I'm definitely due for a co-wash at this point.

Is it okay to co-wash or poo even a couple days before a relaxer? I always heard you're supposed to leave your head alone for 3-5 days prior, but never understood why...is that to help with scalp sensitivity? Because I never had that problem.

I used to cowash/rinse the night before the relaxer... but that's just me. I did it so that the demarcation line would be seen. After cowashing and moisturising I would then icky my hair back up with grease on the prev. relaxed ends. It never affected my scalp at all... but i'm not saying it's right.
My hairdresser tells me not to wash or wet my hair at least 48 hours before I get a relaxer so I tend to stick to that rule.