Not thick, fine but DENSE!

On the rare occaisions that I do get it flatironed, I always caution them to turn down the heat and NOT get it bone straight! Anything straigter I do have the thin, cottony, wispy looking hair.
Protein helps me but in moderation.[/QUOTE]

This is really important for my hair. I need light but consistent doses of protein. Both are equally important for my hair. I can use proteins like Aphogee 2-min. & AO GPB, but there is no way I could use Aphogee 2-Step on my hair. Also, I must use protein each time water touches my hair. An all-moisture routine=breakage for me.
me! I have been under a misconception for a long time thanks to others that my hair was thick thick thick (and likewise, needed a super relaxer ::rolleyes:: ), but now that I know more about my hair, I know that each individual strand is practically anorexic :( It only has the appearance of thickness but if I treat it roughly, those strands snap very easily.
Me! it look and feels thick only when air dried... when roller set or flat ironed it feels almost like her is nothing on my head @ all:perplexed
I'm a huge fan of coconut oil, like so many others. It's super light, so light that I can use it every day. :D
I think thick/thin refers to the density of the hair on your head and not the diameter of the individual strands. I mean dense referring to the total number of hair follicles per square inch of scalp. Very dense hair you can not see the scalp at ALL even when it moves or wind blows it unless you thoroughly part it and you can not see through it when a light shines from behind it. Least dense hair you can easily see the scalp without parting when the hair blows, moves, and you can see through it when a light shines from behind it. I also think that fine/coarse refers to the texture of the strands coarser strands would be thicker in diameter and feel rougher when dry. Finer strands would be thinner in diameter and feel softer when dry. So I totally understand you mean by fine, but dense. My hair is coarse and dense.
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Hey, anyone else ever notice that the deceiving full look will cause some people to be extra rough with your hair thinking your hair can "take it"?
:rofl:OMG This is the story of my life all through my childhood, teenage, and now adulthood! Even though my strands are coarse/thick rather than fine and My hair is dense. Anyone who has ever done my hair talks about how much hair I have and how thick it is and then proceed to treat it as if it was made out of titanium! It's like they are angry at my hair or something always! No matter how strong, fine, weak, thick, thin your hair should never be treated so carelessly and rough :nono:
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Count me in too! I hate to flat iron, cause it looks so stringy and limp. Since I quit my stylist, my hair looks thicker, I attribute this to stretching and frequent protein treatments! The fine hair support thread helped me alot
Ok, maybe I'm not in this club? I say that because when I flat iron my hair is still VERY full. I mean its very light, but still very full. I thought it was because of all the strands?
Ok, maybe I'm not in this club? I say that because when I flat iron my hair is still VERY full. I mean its very light, but still very full. I thought it was because of all the strands?

You may still fit, I think. My hair is full when flat ironed (at least now it is) but my strands are very light weight and if I pull my hair into a pony it fills just a wee bit of space :look:
fine-dense-hair checking in!! i suffered a major set-back from ssks due to frequent wash-n-gos this summer. i mistakenly hopped on the daily co-washing bandwagon, a major no-no for fine-haired natural 4bs.

as another poster mentioned, low manipulation protective styling works best for me. i mastered self-installing braid extensions and this is has become my personal retention challenge for 2010. i plan on keeping my hair in braids/weaves 90% of the time, and the other 10% i will keep my hair stretched/straightened. as much as i love my coily-clumpy fro, my strands simply cannot handle it.
I have to wash/co-wash and detangle my hair at least 1x/week. Any less and I have a tangled mess on my hands. The KC Knot Today helps keep my hair softer and tangle free for longer especially during the winter months. In warm weather I co-wash my hair at least every 3 days. Coconut oil and aloe vera juice are my good friends also :grin:
For those who flat-iron, which type and technique seems to work the best for this type of hair? I'm looking for a new one and can't decide between CHI, Sedu, and FHI.
checking-in! My strands are fine, but overall my hair looks dense. Plus I have super coily strands. When I had a relaxer my hair looked thin and it was very light, no weight to it at all. However, stylist thought I had "tough" hair and would apply a "super strenght relaxer".

Now as a natural, like so many of you pointed out, I have to deal with ssk and long detangling sessions. I also stopped detangling in the shower and have to use a lot of oil.

Treatments that coat my hair like the Caramel treatment and Nexxus Emergencee work well for me. Moderate protein is also good. However, I can't do cones.
I have a Croc2 that I :love2: I also have a solid ceramic plated Amicka that I got for a steal (and you can still get for a steal on Amazon) that is very nice. I have a FHI Platform, but if you go FHI I don't recommend that particular one.
I wish I had fine dense hair... *sigh* My hair will NEVER EVA EVVVA get in any kind of decent puff... its just too coarse and thick...

I guess the grass is always greener.....:sad:
Yes! And I'm always afraid to straighten it because I'm afraid it will look thin.

This is me all day. I used to wear my hair straight all the time, but I'm not a fan of how it looks anymore.

Fine but dense is definitely how I would describe my hair. Hairdressers have always said that too!
checking-in! My strands are fine, but overall my hair looks dense. Plus I have super coily strands. When I had a relaxer my hair looked thin and it was very light, no weight to it at all. However, stylist thought I had "tough" hair and would apply a "super strenght relaxer".

Now as a natural, like so many of you pointed out, I have to deal with ssk and long detangling sessions. I also stopped detangling in the shower and have to use a lot of oil.

Treatments that coat my hair like the Caramel treatment and Nexxus Emergencee work well for me. Moderate protein is also good. However, I can't do cones.

I had this experience when I visited a stylist once for the first time. She looked at my 5 months new growth and thought she was going to put a super in my hair. When she touched it and saw how quickly the mild relaxer broke the hair down, she said, "You're hair is actually pretty fine :nono:."

Ughhhhh thankfully she listened to me and used the mild...