No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditioner?


Well-Known Member

Semi new here and i am having so much trouble finding products that work for my hair. My hair doesnt respond well to ANY oils they just sit on top of my hair making it feel dry and greasy. I tried the Jane Carter Norish & Shine, a bunch of CD products and a handful of organic natural oils. My hair hates them all, no matter how sparingly i use them. I also have tried them all on dry and wet hair. My hair is also very protein sensitive, even if there is just a little bit of protein in the product. I also want no silicones - dont need to explain there.

I am new to the whole healthy hair thing, but i have always been natural but never knew how to take care of my hair until about 6 months ago. I really just hid my natural hair under braids because i didnt know what to do with it. Now i am only combing it only when it is wet, avoiding products with bad ingrediants etc etc. My hair definately is more healthy - anything is better than what i was doing before but its not really thriving because my hair hates protein & oil. This seems to be in everything! Can somebody please help me? I just need some great conditioners and some leave in conditoners. Water based with very low oil if any at all. I dont care how much it cost either & im not really worried about "styling" products becaue i want to get my hair to a health state before i try to style it. Thanks in advance. Oh and any other tips are greatly appreciated.
Re: No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditione

I don't have any specific recommendations, but I'm thinking a homemade remedy might be best because most products contain these things.

Bumping for other responses...
Re: No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditione

I can't think of a good conditioner without oil. I was going to suggest you try honey mixed coconut milk. But coconut milk has a high fat content and it has protein. You could try honey on its own though, warm it a bit first to help it go on easier.

My favorite conditioners all have oil, I think. Have you tried conditioners that have oil in them before and they didn't work? For example, Aubrey Organics makes great conditioners. People on the board rave about Honeysuckle Rose, though my favorite is White Camellia. Visit the AO website, they have lots of different conditioners and I'm sure some have less oil than others.

And about your hair being protein sensitive, are you sure that's what it is? Protein helps the hair retain moisture so it's actually good for the hair (and hair is obviously made of protein). I think you may want to investigate that a little bit more because something else may be at the root of it. (Maybe porosity issues or overprocessing?)

Anyway, you may want to look into the more moisturizing ayurvedic powders for conditioning.
Re: No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditione

And about your hair being protein sensitive, are you sure that's what it is? Protein helps the hair retain moisture so it's actually good for the hair (and hair is obviously made of protein). I think you may want to investigate that a little bit more because something else may be at the root of it. (Maybe porosity issues or overprocessing?)

Anyway, you may want to look into the more moisturizing ayurvedic powders for conditioning.

Yes i know that protein is good for hair, but not my hair. It makes my hair break off every time i use ANYTHING with protein. Even coconut oil makes my hair hard, dry and brittle. And over processing? Nope. I have had three perms in my life. Two as a child and one five years ago. All 3 were disastrous so its never been my thing. I also dont use heat on my hair at all, so it cant be that either. Its the protein. I been doing a lot of research and have learned that not everyone's hair needs protein and a lot of naturals dont like it either. I will definitely look into the powders. Thanks
Re: No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditione

Yes i know that protein is good for hair, but not my hair. It makes my hair break off every time i use ANYTHING with protein. Even coconut oil makes my hair hard, dry and brittle. And over processing? Nope. I have had three perms in my life. Two as a child and one five years ago. All 3 were disastrous so its never been my thing. I also dont use heat on my hair at all, so it cant be that either. Its the protein. I been doing a lot of research and have learned that not everyone's hair needs protein and a lot of naturals dont like it either. I will definitely look into the powders. Thanks

Maybe you're just under-moisturized? Since you said things are just sitting on top and not really doing anything. Which means you're right, you don't need protein. You just need more moisture to balance it out.

Oh and did you have a problem with conditioners with oil in them? Or is it using oil by itself that's the problem?
Re: No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditione

Have you tried Oyin Juices & Berries as a spay leave-in or just a simple rosewater& glycerine mix during the humid months?

They are both quite light IMHO and no oil.

Take a look @ my publc profile for things I use on my fine hair.

Re: No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditione

Umm the only thing I can think of is a cheapie rinse out conditioner mixed with some honey & glycerin?

Suave Naturals (some of them) Conditioner Aloe & waterlily; Strawberry; Fresh Mountain Strawberry; Ocean breeze etc..
Re: No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditione

Oh and V05 moisture milks conditioner has no oil and no silicones. It does have soy milk as the 9th ingredient which means there's not that much of it in there so the protein effects would be negligible. And if I remember correctly, soy protein is one of the more moisturizing ones anyway.

And lots of people here rave about V05.
Re: No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditione

Maybe you're just under-moisturized? Since you said things are just sitting on top and not really doing anything. Which means you're right, you don't need protein. You just need more moisture to balance it out.

Oh and did you have a problem with conditioners with oil in them? Or is it using oil by itself that's the problem?

Not really sure if i am under moisturizing. I co wash at least every other day and i lately have been using a leave in co sometimes using regular conditioner as a leave in. Thats why i want a conditioner with very low oils or none. Oils in any form are just not working whether its butters or a hair milk or just loose oils. They just make my hair even more dry. I experimented for about two weeks always leaving one side of my hair oil free. The oil free side was still dry, but the side that i put the oil on was even more day and greasy to boot. Im never heavy handed with the oils either so im not sure...

I also do deep treatments once a week. Maybe i should do more? Do you think its going to take a while to see improvement?
Re: No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditione

I also do deep treatments once a week. Maybe i should do more? Do you think its going to take a while to see improvement?

What are you using to DC?

And you're right, it does take time to see improvement. If your hair is very dry you may want to increase your dcing to 2x a week or try dcing with heat if you don't already (I've never done that but it seems to work for other people).
Re: No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditione

I was using this Natures Gate Asian pear and red tea conditioner to deep condition. I did throw some jojoba oil in there because i heard that is technically a wax not an oil, so i figured it was ok. I just got Jessicurls weekly DT but have not used it yet. It has some butters in it (cocoa and maybe shea?) but they are far down the list. I also just ordered a heat cap, so ill try that. Thank you
Re: No oils, no silicones, no protein...Am i asking for too much in a hair conditione

If you are co-washing often do you think your hair might need clarifying?