Nice Article!!! Natural alternatives for beauty..

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The All-Natural Beauty Routine

Simplifying Personal Care Without Sacrificing Style

© Ashlee D. Parker
May 27, 2007

Alternatives to commercially marketed beauty products can be simple and satisfying with natural ingredients. Here are some daily personal care tips for natural beauty.

It seems these days your options for store-bought personal care products are endless. With attractive packaging and appealing scents, it’s easy to let yourself believe that these products are indispensable. But if you are frustrated with the results and tired of having dozens of bottles hiding under your sink and in drawers, maybe it’s time you looked to tried and true, simple beauty secrets.

Natural Hair Care

Many hair care products on the market contain questionable ingredients and potentially dangerous chemicals. If you aren’t ready to go it alone for hair care, do some research into which products contain natural, safe ingredients that gently care for hair and scalp.
For those of you ready to chuck the bottle (figuratively, please recycle) and the need to pay out regularly to care for your hair, natural, inexpensive and liberating options are available. Sometimes simple and homemade can be better than high priced products. Be prepared to go through a detoxifying phase, in which your body adjusts to regulating sebum production. When balance is restored, your hair and scalp will have none of the build-up your former products left behind and will be healthy and strong. Read Fabulous, Healthy Hair - Naturally for more details.

Natural Skin Care

Great skin starts on the inside. Eat a healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fresh ingredients. Moisture is essential to young-looking skin. Drink plenty of water and moisturize daily. Choose a moisturizer with natural ingredients and avoid products with drying ingredients like alcohol. Olive oil is a wonderful moisturizer for skin because it is very close to the body’s natural oils.
Skin on the face requires a gentle cleanser and often soap is too harsh and drying. Find a cleanser that is gentle like glycerin or castile soap. Exfoliation is important for clean, healthy skin because it removes layers of dead skin. Exfoliate regularly using a gentle scrub like baking soda, granulated sugar, or ground oatmeal. Your daily routine should involve exfoliating, cleansing, and moisturizing the skin. Occasional treatments with natural ingredients like avocado, egg white, or honey are great for maintaining soft, supple skin. Try different approaches and ingredients to find what works best for you. Problem skin may require more attention. Acne can be treated using tea tree oil and dry skin may require more frequent moisturizing treatments.
Always protect your skin from sun exposure. All-natural sunscreens are easy to find online or in your local health food store. Natural ingredients like olive oil and helichrysum essential oil provide protection from the sun. The best protection is limiting your sun exposure - the sun is most damaging during midday. Wear sunscreen and protective clothing if you are going to be in the sun for more than fifteen minutes.

Natural Cosmetics

Women for centuries have used make-up and hair color to change their appearance or enhance their natural beauty. Natural make-up is made up of botanical or mineral ingredients. Natural hair coloring can be subtle, by rinsing with tea, or more dramatic, by using natural blends of henna and other botanicals. You can find a range of products for every hair color that naturally improve the condition of your hair while changing your look.
Initiating change in your life can be difficult, but when it comes to choosing natural beauty methods and products the change can be rewarding and fun. If you aren’t familiar with the natural beauty products commercially available browse the internet or drop by your local natural food store. Always look at ingredients - manufacturers of truly natural products are usually forthcoming with ingredients because they have nothing to hide. Many natural ingredients do double duty, and you may find one product or home-made solution can be used for multiple purposes, which can simplify your beauty routine and save money.

This article is owned by Ashlee D. Parker and permission to republish in print, or to repost anywhere online a year after publication date, must be granted by the author in writing.