Newbie with question


New Member

Hi ladies,
I'm new to the board and have a question regarding air drying the hair. About 2 years ago I made a big mistake by letting my sister in law color my hair the week after I had applied a home perm. Well needless to say my hair fell out & broke off. It was terrible! Well, my hair is back (thank you Jesus) about 1 to 1.5 inches past my shoulders. I made another mistake letting a non-professional give my unrelaxed hair a relaxer. The only thing that got straight was my roots and ends, everything in between looked as if relaxer was no were near it. I waited 7 weeks and let a professional re-relax it, it got a little straight but not enough to air dry my hair. What can I do to keep the blow dryer of my hair? I would like to wash 3 to 4 days but afraid of the damage it will cause. Any suggestions?
Hi Stacia,

Welcome to the forum!
I wash my hair every 3 days and I air dry. I don't use a blowdryer anymore. If you don't want your hair to look frizzy, you can try wrapping it in a bun to allow it to dry frizz free. I know a lot of us here on the forum air dry. I'm sure there are others who can make some suggestions as well.
Hi Stacy...Welcome to LHCF!

I alternate between a conditioner wash and shampoo wash every 4 days. I don't always air dry but when I do I put some leave-in conditioner on my hair followed by an oil to help seal in the moisture. I then let my hair dry hanging down until it is about 35% dry. At that point I put my hair in a bun and allow it to finish air drying with a satan scarf to keep my hair flat. Recently I put my hair in a bun after spraying a setting lotion in my hair, as the last product, post the other products mentioned above, let it dry for about 20 mins under a soft bonnet hair dryer to lock my hair down then I put a scarf on and let it finish air drying.
Re: Newbie with question - thanks for your tips

Thank you ladies...
I'm gonna try the poni method to air dry my hair. Question? This may sound stupid, but after your hair is dry do you then put heat in with the curling iron or do you just wear it in a ponytail?

Spa girl, your hair is can I get hair like yours?