Newbie Here


New Member
Just wanted to say hi and give a small introduction. I am a recent member, and got the link to this site from another hair site. I've been lurking for a week or two, and have learned so much already. Currently, I am natural. I did the BC in July down to about an inch of hair and now have 2 inches in most places. My goal is to grow my hair as long as possible. I've never achieved length beyond shoulder length, but now hope to grow as long as possible. All the ladies here are very inspiring, and I hope to learn as much as I can on my journey to long hair. :D
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Hey there and Welcome. I am also a newbie...well at least new in that I finally subscribed last week. I have been peeking in for about 1 to 2 years.

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
Hey I did the BC in Sept. Our hair looks about the same lenght. Yours might be a little longer than mine.

Have you been getting strange looks from people?
Thanks for the welcomes :) , its nice to finally be posting.

@Michiko, I do get some looks here. It is mostly young Danish people and the few other black women that seem to stare. There aren't alot of sisters in my town, and most of them are sporting braids, or weaves. I had a dickens of a time getting my big chop, but that's another story. When my girlfriends back home saw my hair and heard that I went natural, they were shocked. But, now they are pretty supportive. How are you enjoying your hair?
Its hard b/c there are not that many black people in the town that i reside in. When I think that its looking good, I see someone I know and the 1st words out there mouth is "What are you doing with your hair?" I get strange looks all the time. It takes me longer to get together in the morning, it just takes some getting used to
Thanks for the warm welcomes! :)
Michiko, it does take some getting used to. Right now, I think I'm in a place where I'd like to attempt styling, but my attempts thus far have been pitiful at best. So, right now I'm just trying to baby my hair and not worry so much. I don't look too bad, and I hope that starting off doing the right things will pay off in the end. Just trying to be patient. It's hard. lol
My hair is long enough that I can do singles. I can cornrow the front and let the back poof out. It is also long enough that I can flat iron it and have a nice style. But I am not doing any of that. I am just moisturizing it, tying it up at night, and washing it.