Nature Girl Kinky Curly hair


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! Anyone every purchase Nautre Girl Kinky curly hair for weaving? I'm considering making the purchase but had some questions. How is the quality of the hair and does it last long like EP hair? If you've purchased hair like this from the BSS, what brand did you use and how does it compare to Nature Girl's kinky curly hair? Thank you!
My friend just bought some and installed it and said it's great! The best Brazilian Hair she's ever had.

That's all I know.
Yes, I did and as much as I would like to say that I was satified :perplexed I wasn't. I purchased kinky 3a? I believe.. it came in a beautiful sac.. with a light perfurme scent.

I had the correct # of tracks ordered but they were sparse and not enough to cover even 1/2 weave! :ohwell: I paid close to $300 and felt ripped off...

so I decided to use them for bunning...:ohwell:.. . I just wasnt pleased and ended up throwing the remaining tracks that I didn't use for bunning away because I realized that I would never buy the difference to cover a full weave and the hair still looked fake!!! :perplexed