Naturals: Spirals, S-curls

Naturals: Do you have Spirals or S-curls? You can click more than one option.

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I have a few spirals, but my hair consists mostly - like 90% - of curls. The spirals are at the temples.
I've got some 4a coils, but then I have these weird type waves/curls that are shaped like the number "5". They aren't S shaped because they have sharp bends/angles instead of soft loops.

Oh, I forgot about those! :grin: It seems most of my hairs are mostly uniform, but all of a sudden they can go in any direction :yep:
Don't worry about it too much Cichelle because I'm not sure of mine either. I guess I'm a mixture of 3b and 3c......maybe some 3a as well (in the front) but I dunno....whatever.:drunk:

Thanks Poka...cause I'm like: :confused:

OT: I'm mesmerized by your siggie!
*Shrugs*... I have this...
I'm glad to see so many s-wave/curl ladies. When I went to curve-salon some years ago they told me that my hair was "wavy" more than curly. I agree, but the average person wouldn't call my "fluff" waves.

Are there any other s-wave/curl girls that can totally change hair texture depending on the way they comb? If I use a denman brush on certain parts of my hair I get really big curves, other parts just say uh-uh:ohwell:.
i get waves or spirals depending on how i style my hair. if i rake and smooth i get s curls of all sizes. if i use a denman brush i get spirals in the back and the rest is really big waves or really tiny ones:perplexed the big ones always frizz up when dry though. when i went to my stylist she described my hair as wavy which made me:lachen:
It is hard to know what type of hair I have.....

It is very confusing and WACKY....

Oh well - I still love my hair................:kissing4::kissing4:
The closest I have ever known a description to my hair pattern is what is termed CNapp.

CNapp -Product-free hair that has no defined nap pattern. Instead, whether wet or dry, our loose strands each take their own separate route to give the appearance of a fluffy, cottony, cloud of naps.

This is me, too. My ends can sometimes coil in which case the letter I'd call them would be 'o'. My individual strands have curls and bends in them, though, so I wasn't sure what you meant by the question, if you counted that. It's just that the strands are all very independent of each other and do what they want.

I feel like this was a really common hair type when I remember back on being a little girl before we got relaxers. I just can't understand why it's so rare here.
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This is me, too. My ends can sometimes coil in which case the letter I'd call them would be 'o'. My individual strands have curls and bends in them, though, so I wasn't sure what you meant by the question, if you counted that. It's just that the strands are all very independent of each other and do what they want.

I feel like this was a really common hair type when I remember back on being a little girl before we got relaxers. I just can't understand why it's so rare here.

I think it's because of the 'criteria' for a cnapp. My hair, when looked at in a single strand (not attached to my head), looks like a penspring - little o's - I can flatten it, and it will form a perfect o.
There is however, NO WAY for me to 'define' that penspring shape on more than one hair at a time, because they all 'boing' different directions. If I meddle with my hair at all, the coils turn into waves and bends - and if I tried to take a picture of my texture, that's really all you would see - a wavy fuzzy collection of individually curly strands.
So, if undefinable coils = cnapp - hello, I'm right there with you. And after seeing your video, Mwedzi, I'm certain that if we aren't hair twins, we're at LEAST hair cousins.
:look: I suspect most cnapps are relaxed. That's the only explanation I can figure as to where they all went. :lol:

However, as I remember it, there are a couple more 'criteria' to be a cnapp, including hair that looks dry (no shine, only 'sheen' or something like that), and something else - both 'standards' of which my hair USED to live up to, but doesn't anymore. Sometimes I have nappy guilt over how my hair is changing - like I can't really kick it with the ULTRA-nappalicious types anymore because my hair isn't 'behaving' the way it used to. *sigh* Insane, I know.
This is so hard to do.... this typing of hair.

When I wash my hair and add no product my hair does coil up, and it is definitely more than one strand at a time. They are simply coils. In the back my hair is straighter.... and more like a fuzz............the front hangs more as it grows.... and coils on the ends, and middle is simply coils...

Still my hair looks like a mass of cotton....
I'm glad to see so many s-wave/curl ladies. When I went to curve-salon some years ago they told me that my hair was "wavy" more than curly. I agree, but the average person wouldn't call my "fluff" waves.

Are there any other s-wave/curl girls that can totally change hair texture depending on the way they comb? If I use a denman brush on certain parts of my hair I get really big curves, other parts just say uh-uh:ohwell:.

My hair is predominately s-waves, even the kinkiest texture ~4a, has an s-shaped pattern.

When I'm attempting a wash n go and use the denman + some gel, my hair has habit of straigtening out to much, especially the looser textures. It starts to look more 2c/3a rather that the 3b/3c that I know it to be. But then again I have different textures all over my head so I've pretty much given up on hair typing :yawn:
I think it's because of the 'criteria' for a cnapp. My hair, when looked at in a single strand (not attached to my head), looks like a penspring - little o's - I can flatten it, and it will form a perfect o.
There is however, NO WAY for me to 'define' that penspring shape on more than one hair at a time, because they all 'boing' different directions. If I meddle with my hair at all, the coils turn into waves and bends - and if I tried to take a picture of my texture, that's really all you would see - a wavy fuzzy collection of individually curly strands.
So, if undefinable coils = cnapp - hello, I'm right there with you. And after seeing your video, Mwedzi, I'm certain that if we aren't hair twins, we're at LEAST hair cousins.
:look: I suspect most cnapps are relaxed. That's the only explanation I can figure as to where they all went. :lol:

However, as I remember it, there are a couple more 'criteria' to be a cnapp, including hair that looks dry (no shine, only 'sheen' or something like that), and something else - both 'standards' of which my hair USED to live up to, but doesn't anymore. Sometimes I have nappy guilt over how my hair is changing - like I can't really kick it with the ULTRA-nappalicious types anymore because my hair isn't 'behaving' the way it used to. *sigh* Insane, I know.

Girl, you are crazy! Nappy guilt?! :lachen: All those other characteristics are only tendencies for cnapps. Over on the cnapp site, you will find some individuals who get a lot more sheen/shine (I still don't know the difference, honestly) than others. The only real criteria is the non-clumping. You're still cnapp. There are definitely different textures among us, e.g. your strands make perfect 'o's, but mine can't make a perfect anything. My strands look schizophrenic. But the one thing we have in common is that it feels wrong checking any of the boxes in this poll except "other."

Maybe they are mostly relaxed or burned straight. hmmm . . .
Girl, you are crazy! Nappy guilt?! :lachen: All those other characteristics are only tendencies for cnapps. Over on the cnapp site, you will find some individuals who get a lot more sheen/shine (I still don't know the difference, honestly) than others. The only real criteria is the non-clumping. You're still cnapp. There are definitely different textures among us, e.g. your strands make perfect 'o's, but mine can't make a perfect anything. My strands look schizophrenic. But the one thing we have in common is that it feels wrong checking any of the boxes in this poll except "other."

Maybe they are mostly relaxed or burned straight. hmmm . . .


Now if someone tries to beat me down for claiming to be a cnapp, I'm telling them mwedzi said so.... :lachen:

I actually need to double check that they still makes o's - I'm loosing less of them, so I don't see them tumbleweeding across the floors anymore :look: :lol:
mainly 4a spirals. some are bigger than a coffer cup stirrer/pen spring though. i think i have some 4b (waves?) mixed in which may explain the frizz just below the ears. there is also 3c (spirals) hair at the front, that i've just discovered. however, i think my hair mainly 4a spirals :). i stretch my hair out so much and never properly define the curl so it may look like something else in my albums :lol:. actually, in my albums i look totally 4b :spinning:.
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I took a photo of my hair w/o product and realized that I have 3a strips that end in 3b/3c spirals and s-curls now that I carefully analyzed this. All along I've been claiming 3b or 3c. Wow, more confusion :spinning:.
i have 3b waves and curls and 3c coils but only recently i don't know where they came from cause my hair never really had coils until this year i had some curls trying to be a coil but couldn't make it all the way around.

i got S O and all sorts it's mainly 3bc but i have a 2c/3a patch i don't count cause it's only a patch.
i'm not natural (so you might need to disregard my vote), but my new growth grows in 4a coils / spirals. :look:
Girl, you are crazy! Nappy guilt?! :lachen: All those other characteristics are only tendencies for cnapps. Over on the cnapp site, you will find some individuals who get a lot more sheen/shine (I still don't know the difference, honestly) than others. The only real criteria is the non-clumping. You're still cnapp. There are definitely different textures among us, e.g. your strands make perfect 'o's, but mine can't make a perfect anything. My strands look schizophrenic. But the one thing we have in common is that it feels wrong checking any of the boxes in this poll except "other."

Maybe they are mostly relaxed or burned straight. hmmm . . .

Can you please tell me the name of the Cnapp site? I don't have that type of hair, but I think it is so interesting to see how, the hair is so curly it clumps together like velcro. It's really pretty.