Naptural85's Twisting Method

Do you think we lost members when they changed/upgraded the forum?

I know that I couldn't log in for a few days. Also, the app went away.

Hopefully, things will pick up when it gets colder outside.

@MileHighDiva - I think that was a contributor - however, I noticed a lack of activity and lack of helpful and knowledgeable content prior to the upgrade. The unavailability of the app was a key contributor, considering most users access the forum via their smartphones. Prior to the upgrade, users were making posts on the lack of picture sharing which I believe was the "heartbeat" of the forum.

The question is how do we "reinstate LHCF to the great hair forum" it once was? Perhaps a thread is needed on that, instead of another "useless" thread on the Kardashians. :rolleyes: Kardashians have done nothing for me, but LHCF has been a gold mine of hair growth, health and self-improvement information for me
I'm not sure maybe. I think other areas of the forum are more active. Maybe everyone went there and switched to YouTube/IG/Pinterest for their hair needs since people are more visual that could've been what happened. Mostly the negative drama filled threads are filled with people. I can't say maybe people don't have time or don't want to take the time to type a response cuz they be up in the drama threads writing novels for responses:bookworm::lachen:

^^^^ :yep: @ bolded

why do we as a "community" invest so much of our resources (time, money, energy, etc) on matters which provide little to no benefit to us or even worse on matters which are destructive?
A 100 "Reneices" could have "evolved" just from applying and taking the information gained here on LHCF to market.
I was going to say...I think everyone is downstairs in the Off Topic/Entertainment forum.

Post something there and watch how many replies you auto-magically get :lachen:
Both Nap85 and the redhead are flat twisting, IMO.

They aren't adding hair to both strands though, just one strand, so the hair ends up looser and not quite as tightly lining the scalp. I've always flat twisted that way because it's easier for me, never thought it was some different thing. It's still flat twisting.
Well I cant flat twist (ie: make the twist lay flat and act right). I think her way is just a little bit different from the flat twist that everyone knows. I dont know there is something in the adding hair part for a flat twist that my fingers just cant do ... I cant explain it... I end up with a mass of tangled bushy hair because I keep borrowing hair so when I undo the twist its bushy.

but I can do Nap85s version because I do a clean horizontal part for each hair section I add (so no borrowing of hair) I love the results.

usually part my hair in half ear to ear then put in about 8 to 10 twists then depending on how stretched I want it I may or may not bantu knot the ends.
It looks like Nap85 is only flat twisting the starting section then doing regular twists for the remainder of each piece.

Looks interesting.