My goooorgeous relaxer results! 10 week stretch want 2 share! *pics*


New Member
So today I just got my hair relaxed after a 10 week stretch. I decided to go to 10 weeks as opposed to 12 because I figure hell what's 2 weeks, plus I was seeing a little more shedding than normal and my roots were screaming for a touch up.

First off, I really love my stylist! She's so amazing! I was SO GLAD to see that by complete coincidence I use the same products that she does. She did the following:

  • Based my scalp and left it on for a few mins
  • Applied Designer Touch Relaxer to roots - and DIDNT comb to the ends:yep: (that's my girl!)
  • Smoothed out just the roots with a comb
  • washed out w/ neutralizer 2x and then followed with a regular poo. We were talking about self relaxing and how one should follow with 2 neutralizing rinses then another 1-2 rinses w/ regular poo to ensure the relaxer is completely out. I never thought of that, would only do the neutralizer, but that's her technique. Works for me.
  • here's the best part... I asked for a deep condition treatment... Her method... Nexxus Emergencie DC for 15 mins w/ heat FOLLOWED BY Nexxus Humectress DC for 15 mins w/ heat!!! Humectress is my staple moisturizing DC, and I was thinking about using Emergencie, now I WILL!
  • apply leave-in... MY OTHER STAPLE Salerm 21 B5!!!
  • Dried under hooded dryer to 80% dry then blew out the rest w/ med setting hand dryer
  • Flat iron w/ electric ceramic/tourmaline iron
  • APPLIED ELASTA QP MANGO BUTTER!! Another of my staples :drunk::drunk::drunk:
  • Gave me a little bump w/ marcel iron :look:. But she knows how to use them and was quick so I'm not alarmed.
Ok so my hair is SWIIIIINGING! And it's shiny and I kept getting those "looks" from everyone when I left the salon and was walking to the subway... lol That "oh no she didnt" look. Here are the pics, I had soo much growth since being here in Dec. My pics are starting to look like those of my favorite LHCF girls! She wants me to see her every two weeks, I think I might just keep it up to treat myself for a roller set by her and do my reggie until I see her in between.




ciao guys!
:blush: Thanks so much guys. Honestly I cant remember my hair even being this length in sooo long.... I've been with my stylist for 3 years now - she even LEFT her old salon 2 weeks ago, I hadnt seen her since Nov 07 so I didnt know. Luckily I had her cell number because I found out yesterday when I called the salon, but was able to come to her new place (she's been really busy and didnt get to call me). In any case, I had a natural short fro when I first began seeing her and had weaves for 2 years through her, before that I had gorgeous locs that were about as long as my hair is now. My relaxed hair was never this healthy, I didnt know how to care for it. I dont really trust anyone to do my hair but her (my life will be hell when I move to LA this summer, lol).

What's even cooler... Do you know she DIDNT EVEN ASK if I wanted a trim! :lachen::yep:
Your hair looks wonderful. Make sure you keep up with your regimen so you can keep seeing such great growth :)
Thanks again!:yep:

Your hair looks wonderful. Make sure you keep up with your regimen so you can keep seeing such great growth :)

You know this is the FIRST THING that resonated in my head when I left the salon and headed home. I'm so afraid of not seeing further progress, so the journey now to APL is going to be a very interesting one as I dont think I ever remember having hair that long in my life...
Thanks again!:yep:

You know this is the FIRST THING that resonated in my head when I left the salon and headed home. I'm so afraid of not seeing further progress, so the journey now to APL is going to be a very interesting one as I dont think I ever remember having hair that long in my life...

I am so excited for you, I feel like your success is my's feeding my own progress. I love hearing from women who are reaching lengths they never reached before, it's very inspiring!

Simply gorgeous!! :clapping::clapping:

Sounds like the hateration was in full force, too! ;)
Beautiful hair and great progress! Enjoy your swinging hair for the weekend and then back to protecting those ends!!:grin:
i got so excited for you just reading your post :lachen:

Glad you like your stylist...i walked out of my stylists chair in August 07 and never looked back. :rolleyes: