mtg replicas > with emu oil?


New Member
Ok I had a bright idea...

I realised that this mtg replica thing seems to be going well (without the smell), for the ladies on the board that use it e.g den1 and naturallady, with the use of the sulphur powder from, anywhoo I thought, instead of mixing it with a reg carrier oil e.g evoo or coconut oil, how about emu oil. After all its been known to increase growth and what not. I have a feeling that this could cause major growth, any input ladies?

TIA, Crissi x
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Emu oil is an excellent carrier with the ability to penetrate 7 layers of skin! I am currently experimmenting with oil only, then I'll add sulphur powder later.
YES!!! i tried this and i feel my hair did have good growth- the only thing is i ran out of emu oil... but i was looking on ebay today to buy some more.
i made a mix of...

sulphur powder
emu oil
la india

i had it in a jar and heated it it blend them together... Somethimes i heated it (jus alittle) before applying it to my scalp- it felt lovely. im going to buy some more emu oil today!