Mtg Mixers


New Member
Hey yall,
As i have seen and heard MTG is readlly doing wonders I can testify that for myself although i keep my hair in sew-in I can't really tell the growth on a daily basis but it's growing. Now ladies I usually just use the ol' regular bottle nothing else but I was looking at some of yalls album ie...Dshy and i see beautiful growth along with other ingredients that was added now i don't just wannna start adding anything to the product because it might have a neg. effect so I am asking the ladies or whomever uses the product and has amazing results what do they uses to mix with the mtg whether it be to cover the smell or just boost the power growth affect please share or feel free to pm me. Keep on using it yall it's working for me and I know it's working for yall...bye~ :D
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Not so :sekret: user here! :lol:

I'm using mine straight as well, did use w/Surge for a few weeks, didn't see any significant difference.

I'll definitely keep an eye out on this one!
I mixed my mtg with surge (and sometimes without) and my hair took off growing. I also think it was the change of warmer weather too :yep: my hair tend to get its lenght during the summer months.
I have surge and MTG but im a little too scared to mix them and use on my scalp. also, i remember when i used my surge, my newgrowth reverted so im not too sure that it helps hair grow. i mixed my MTG with stasoffro and a few drops of lavender and ylang ylang EO