motions/affirm relaxer


New Member
hi i am a 2b

okay i currntly use a motions relaxer and i hate it i was thinking of switching to affirm??

do you think this would be wise?

to me the motions doesnt last
imo (in my opinion), i think it's fine to switch from one relaxer to another, but i don't think it's good to switch back and forth between the two, but of course that's my opinion. i use affirm lye (mild) and have been using it for a few years. I've never tried motions, so i don't know if there are any harmful affects of switching. will you be doing the perms yourself? and are you currently using lye or no-lye?

Affirm is a bit stronger than motions but it's an excellent relaxer. With 2b hair I would go with Affirm's mild version.
crml_buttafly said:
hi i am a 2b

okay i currntly use a motions relaxer and i hate it i was thinking of switching to affirm??

do you think this would be wise?

to me the motions doesnt last

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I used motions no lye in April and my hair either has a whole lot of new growth becasue it is looks and acts like a natural. I also did not like the shampoo and conditioner it seemed to make my hair more dry than before.

I have not figured out what hair type I am,
Corse? I guess...?
I know plenty of folks who've had problems with Motions. I didn't care for it either when I was a permie. However, I've yet to hear anyone really complain about Affirm. It may work better for you. However, you may want to let a professional apply it for you. Good luck!
Affirm is DEFINITELY a better relaxer than Motions. I use Motions occasionally but it never lasts as long as Affirm.
Miosy said:

Affirm is a bit stronger than motions but it's an excellent relaxer. With 2b hair I would go with Affirm's mild version.

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Believe it or not I found Motions to be more strong. It burned my scalp, didn't like how my hair felt. It was after I had used Affirm for a few years. Of course I switched back to Affirm and I'm sticking with it, my hair loves Affirm!
I think Affirm is must stronger, and I didn't find that to be a good thing. While it lasts longer than Motions (in my hair, of course), it was also far more drying than Motions. I have NO complaints about Motions (although it would appear I'm in the minority
)--it and Mizani are my faves--it makes my hair feel softer and silkier than Affirm. HTH
I took my sis to get her first Affirm relaxer 2 days ago and it was a wonderful experience for her. She sat there with the chemical in her head and she wasn't crying or complaining of any burning. She said she didn't even feel anything (the stylist rubbed this gel on her scalp first, I think it came with the Affirm relaxer system. And when finished, she had such beautifully shinny dark roots that were very well straightened all over her head. It didn't compare to her badly relaxed hair that we're trying to grow out. The stylist used Affirm Fiberguard Lye on her (I don't know the concentration though).
I just started using Affirm (no-lye)relaxer. My first application was Sunday 5/16/04. With every relaxer I have used previously my hair was always hard & stiff even immediately after the relaxer. My hair is about two inches below shoulder. It was so stiff that when I put my head down, my hair would stick straight out in the back, no bounce, no movement, no swing. Because of that, I always wore my hair in a ponytail (24/7). After the Affirm relaxer on Sunday, for the first time in probably 10 years, my hair actually moves. I was so proud of my hair I didn't know how to act. I have worn my hair down this week. Everyone at work has been staring and commenting on how good my hair looks because in the 5 years I have been working here they have never seen anything but my daily ponytail and multitude of matching scrunchies. As you can tell, I will be using Affirm from now on.
For people using Affirm relaxer at home, do you use a small jar or the big one that is sold online.If using the big one, how do you store the rest of it for future use. Does anyone know where to get the Protecto. I didn't see it listed online.
nicolemc71 said:
For people using Affirm relaxer at home, do you use a small jar or the big one that is sold online.If using the big one, how do you store the rest of it for future use. Does anyone know where to get the Protecto. I didn't see it listed online.

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nicolemc, the protecto comes with the 5lb tub of affirm from
Thanks kitchen tician. On average do you know how long that size will last if doing retouches for 3 heads every two months.
will you be doing the perms yourself? and are you currently using lye or no-lye?

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oh i definatlty will NOT be doing it myself!i was gonna buy the relaxer and take it to my salon.

i use motions i dont know if its considered lye or no lye?

i looked up affirm relaxer and their are different types of relaxers which do you think would be safe for a 2b?
How long do the 5lb tubs of affirm relaxer last. Do they ever go bad? Because I usualy relax my hair 10+ weeks. Well I dont relax the stylist does but I plan on doing my own relaxers very soon.

nicolemc71 said:
Thanks kitchen tician. On average do you know how long that size will last if doing retouches for 3 heads every two months.

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sorry for the late response about affirm. it should last pretty close to a year for 3 heads, every 2 months. that's 18 applications.

I don't know what the shelf life is. Mine will last me well over 3/4 years, but i'll probably just replace it.