Moisturizer for every day use


The Credit Countess
I really really need some sugguestions for a good everyday moisturizer to use on dry hair. My problem is that anything that has water/aqua first in it makes my hair dry and dull after a couple of hours. I need something not heavy because I "dry set" my hair and I don't want anything weighting it down.

In the evening I use healty ends and tie my hair up and then in the morings I want to be able to put something on my hair and then use sponge rollers (with end papers) to get a soft set.

Please please any suggestions would be appreciated.
LadyR said:
I really really need some sugguestions for a good everyday moisturizer to use on dry hair. My problem is that anything that has water/aqua first in it makes my hair dry and dull after a couple of hours. I need something not heavy because I "dry set" my hair and I don't want anything weighting it down.

In the evening I use healty ends and tie my hair up and then in the morings I want to be able to put something on my hair and then use sponge rollers (with end papers) to get a soft set.

Please please any suggestions would be appreciated.
you want to apply moisturizer before you leave in the morning? and you plan to wear your hair out!? am i reading this correctly!?
Huggette said:
you want to apply moisturizer before you leave in the morning? and you plan to wear your hair out!? am i reading this correctly!?

I want something that I can put on my hair to moisturize it before I dry roller set it in the morning.
LadyR said:
I want something that I can put on my hair to moisturize it before I dry roller set it in the morning.
i'm thinking you would be okay with elasta qp recovery or smooth n'shine oil moisturizer. but the thing is when you apply overnight it gets time to soak in and dry. in the morning it doesn't really get to do that--maybe it's just me.

maybe you can set your hair on rollers at night w/the satin overlay sponge ones or whatever you can comfortably sleep in. wrap your hair in the morning during your shower or while you get dressed so that the curl can fall a little.
You might want to give Carols Daughter Hair Milk a try. I've only used it at night so far, but it is an excellent moisturizer and leaves my hair soft and silky the next day. I'm sure it would work great for a roller set. A little goes a long way so I'm sure if you don't use too much at once it wouldn't weigh your curls down.
I second that on the Carols Daughter Hair Milk. It is wonderful and will give you a quick set. I use it this morning to touch up some of my ends on my twist out. It sets very fast.
Thanks ladies for the replies,

Next question re: Carol Daughter's product, is there something that is close to it that I can buy from my local BSS. I really need something for now and I don't want to wait until I have to order it.
Just so I am understanding you correctly:

You want to use a moisturizer, but anything with water dries out your hair?

If this is the case you may need to switch to a prodoct that coats the hair and provides shine like a silicone treatment. Moisturizers are designed to add moisture to your hair, which is why most of them are water based. Any other treatment simply coats or seals the hair.

If your hair is relaxed and you simply want it to be smooth and shiny, then something with silicone will give you that look. You would, however, need to develope a routine of clarifying your hair regularly as these products can dry your hair out also. They give you the look you want, but it may have consequences later.
Ok what I am looking for is something that will make my hair feel and look softer without weighing it down.

Any more suggestions
LadyR said:
Ok what I am looking for is something that will make my hair feel and look softer without weighing it down.

Any more suggestions

Well I'll be the odd ball out. :grin:

The only "moisturizer" that I use(it's not really a moisturizer but,) is BioSilk Silk Therapy. I don't use oils, sheens, grease, butters....just that. :-/ That's guarenteed not to weigh your hair down....

But honestly, it doesn't sound like you need a new moisturizer. It sounds like you need a better deep conditioner. If your conditioner is doing it's job, you won't have to load your hair with moisturizers. What DC are you currently using?
JuJuBoo said:
Well I'll be the odd ball out. :grin:

The only "moisturizer" that I use(it's not really a moisturizer but,) is BioSilk Silk Therapy. I don't use oils, sheens, grease, butters....just that. :-/ That's guarenteed not to weigh your hair down....

But honestly, it doesn't sound like you need a new moisturizer. It sounds like you need a better deep conditioner. If your conditioner is doing it's job, you won't have to load your hair with moisturizers. What DC are you currently using?

Maybe you are right about the dc because when I wash and dc my hair I really don't need too much on my hair but when I CO my hair for the second wash during the week I do need a lot so maybe I need to start dcing my hair everytime I wash.

Right now I rotate between: Motion Silk Protein, OS Hair Mayo and EQ DR - 11 or 28 which ever it is.
hmmm, interesting LadyR. Yeah, that might be it. I NEVER thought I'd beable to go without a daily moisturizer until I found a good moisturing conditioner. I deep condition w/out heat with Design Essentials Stimulations every 4/5 days and it's been great. I haven't used any oils or butters for over a YEAR!
Yeah, a good deep con. like PM Supcharged Moisturizing or Nexxus Humectress should do the trick.
I searched for a moisturiser for sometime and nothing worked. i tried luster's oil moisturiser, elasta qp recovery, bla bla bla. They all dried my hair out. So i got the whole NTM line for the first time, i used a leave in conditioner. I havent washed in 3 days cos i normally wash every two days just to wash out the dryness and products i try to moisturise with.