MN is giving me HEAD ACHES WHAT DO I DO????


New Member
Im a NEWBIE :wave:and jumped in at the deep end, diving straight for the hair growth method, MN. ive been using it for 13 days, and my head has this constant dull ache and ive just realised it could be the MN.:perplexed

my mix includes, sulfur 8,dr miricles temple and nape gro balm, vitamin E , peppermin Essoil , and of course the beloved MN, i use it everyday

i dnt know if its the MN or maybe too much peppermint as my head has a cold breezy feeling.

i really want to see extreme hair growth, so i think i will keep using it for a little bit longer, is this bad?

could i have a bit of advice or opinions of MN users, or once users thanks! :help:
I had the same reactions from using just MN mixed with jojoba oil. I had tos top using it because I could not stand the headaches.
Welcome, Newbie!

Whenever I use peppermint oil in any hair concoction, I get headaches (even though it took me a while to figure out that was the culprit) you might want to start by evaluating your mix to see if it's something other than the MN that's causing your headaches... If you then determine that it is in fact the MN, I'd suggest you stop using it.
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You may need to add a carrier oil (jojoba, grapeseed, castor). When I used it I also had the same problem at first but after I tweaked my mix and added more oil the headaches went away. You may also think about decreasing the frequency of application.
Im a NEWBIE :wave:and jumped in at the deep end, diving straight for the hair growth method, MN. ive been using it for 13 days, and my head has this constant dull ache and ive just realised it could be the MN.:perplexed

my mix includes, sulfur 8,dr miricles temple and nape gro balm, vitamin E , peppermin Essoil , and of course the beloved MN, i use it everyday

i dnt know if its the MN or maybe too much peppermint as my head has a cold breezy feeling.

i really want to see extreme hair growth, so i think i will keep using it for a little bit longer, is this bad?

could i have a bit of advice or opinions of MN users, or once users thanks! :help:

I'd do the process of elimination method as the others suggessted. However, after reading a few threads on MN before I started using, most attributed their dull headaches (that were not present before) to the MN.

The cold breezy feeling is most likely related to the peppermint. As previously stated, try adding just 1 or 2 drps of peppermint w/ a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut and you should be fine.

When I first started using pp I thought more was better...ah, not so much. Gave me the itches and I had cold chills around my head (sounds weird but that's the best description I can find).

Since cutting back to 2 drps in my conditioner...everything is golden.

MN, Dr. Miracles and Peppermint oil, lol...
I'll bet you did have a cold breezy tingly feeling
...that does sound like a super growth recipe--u were on a mission, weren't ya? :lol: I would either add more oils/buttery pomades to it or ditch the present mix and use other ingredients with your MN except dr.miracles and peppermint because those may be too strong all mixed together.
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thanks for all the advice ladies! im definatly gonna change up my mix, maybe alot less pepperrmint, and less frequent applications, as im feeling the fact tha i already have regrowth!
i think that it's definitely the peppermint oil, and not the MN. i used MN straight out of the tube for about a month straight (i quit, because i lost the tube :nono: ), and i never got a single headache.

but a month later i made my own "super conditioner" using glycerin, a cheap conditioner, and tons and tons of peppermint oil. i left it on overnight as a pre-conditioning treatment, and i swear to you, i had a horrible headache for 5 days straight. aspirin and other OTC pills didn't fix it, so on day 5 i downed 2 full adult doses of this nighttime cold medicine, and that finally killed it :perplexed

peppermint oil smells heavenly, but on the scalp it's the devil!
I use straight MN and Im sure its the MN, LOL, if I use it every day my head is usually killing me, but if I spread it out to every other day or every two days, I still get good growth but no head pain or head aches.