May 9,10,11..What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans??


I wash with derma topix 10% Benzoyl peroxide and use clearasil tintinted Acne treatment (also 10% Benzoyl) it controls my adult acne well
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Girl I do know the struggle.

Dermatologists where I live suck monkey.........balls :look:

I just don't have time. Plus my esthetician don' up and got married so she's moving and I cannot be bothered with finding another one. So i'm going all WebMD on em' and hope to get back to what I once was lol.


I feel you on that too. I have been so used to dermatologists not ever seeing the skin problem I have (only 1 in 200,000 people have it), and not knowing how to treat it. I had one dermatologist pull out a book in front of me to look up my skin disorder :nono:!

I am not playing that now. I know what works because I have used it before. If they don't fill out the prescription, I will find someone who will :yep:.


The Accutane they prescribe me is used off label. My skin disorder is really rare, and it acts like psoriasis but it isn't that. I know I probably just confused you but even medical professionals get confused when they see me. When I lived in Florida, they stayed suggesting Vaseline for my skin :heated:.

I wash with derma topix 10% Benzoyl peroxide and use clearasil tintinted Acne treatment (also 10% Benzoyl) it controls my adult acne well

Does the Benzoyl peroxide dry you out? I use the Persa Gel 10 by Clean and Clear with 10% Benzoyl Peroxide and it can be a bit irritating if I use too much.

So you have to be pretty limited with what you use huh? What about all natural skincare. GreenBeauty has some vegan skincare items. They have makeup too if I'm not mistaken.

So you have to be pretty limited with what you use huh? What about all natural skincare. GreenBeauty has some vegan skincare items. They have makeup too if I'm not mistaken.


I have a series of things that work for me as far as moisture but the real issue for me is exfoliation. My skin doesn't do it on it's own. Right now I am using glycolic acid at 30 percent. It has me looking 'presentable', but you won't find me with a short skirt. In this hot humid weather I am still wearing long sleeves. When I was on Accutane, my skin would shed on it's own so I could even go out in shorts and flats if I wanted. I won't even show my ankles now. My fiance thinks I'm buggin' but, he didn't see this issue when it was really out of hand. It was not pretty.
ronie Here are the pics. Don't laugh at me though, you can see in the pics that I don't know how to use a flatiron and it looks more like an amateur blow out :lol:.
I knew your hair would be gorgeous. The thickness is drool worthy. Thanks for sharing girlie. Your half face looks like naptural85 lol.