Line of demarcation for touch up


New Member
I want to touch up my hair very soon, but I can hardly tell where the new growth starts since I've been hardcore with the silica and MSM&MTG. Is there a way that I can prep the hair so that the line of demarcation is more visible?
I just did a self-relaxer yesterday and I had a similar issue but really, you can't even SEE that back of your head, so knowing where the demarcation line is doesn't really help. I just decided to put some conditioner on the areas I knew FOR SURE were relaxed to protect my hair from overprocessing. I never relax my hair completely straight, so any overlapping I have doesn't cause many issues.
IDK if this is good advice but I flatiron the relaxed hair so that only the newgrowth is visible and there is less room for tangles. I might be making the worst mistake though, if anyone who reads this disagrees let me know, so I can correct myself