Let's Discuss Silica!


Active Member
Okay. I've been reading all of the posts about DE and that has promted me to do some research on it. I ended up making a purchase because of all the great reviews on this Silica stuff!

Ya know, for the past couple of months, I have been wondering what the difference was in people that made them have stronger hair and nails. I really am in the search for what that element is.

Could it be SILICA?

Have you ever wondered why men can always grow their nails and hair much faster than women? I used to get so frustrated with my ex-husband because his hair would always far exceed my hair's growth. And he was much rougher and careless with his hair! Could it be SILICA? I've read that men have a higher SILICA content in their bodies than women! source: http://www.osteopenia3.com/silica.html

In Asia, SILICA is the most important mineral for the rice fields. Also, rice contains silica.

I would love to hear your comments about this ladies!
Silica is great. I started taking it 7 years ago when I was looking for something to getmy hair in shape after a relaxer mishap. I walked into this store that I go to all the time to by my health food & vitamins from and noticed that they girl behind the counter who usually helps me now has about 2 inches of new growth. She had dyed her hair stark red so you could see the difference in the two colors. I asked what she had been doing since I last saw her 3 months before and she said silica. I was hooked from then. It is one of the vitamins I look for when I purchase hair vitamins and it is somthing I take on it's own as a supplement. It makes your hair and nails healthy, shiny, and strong and the growth you get is no joke.
I can't wait to start my bamboo supplements. It has like 70% of natural silica while horsetail only has around 5%. What brand of silica did you order OP?